what's your name


  • DAY 41
  • Fear File: Gideon 
  • Scripture: Judges 6:12&15

And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said to him, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!” So he said to Him, “O my Lord, how can I save Israel? Indeed my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house.”

JUDGES 6:12&15

Name: a word or a combination of words by which a person, place, thing, body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called, or known. a word or set of words by which a person or thing is known, addressed or referred to.

Everybody has a name. And I know you’re wondering what names have to do with fear, but friends, your name is what you hear the most. As we have said in the past, your heart is shaped by what it hears, and your life is formed by words.

So I ask, 

What Is Your Name? 

When I ask this I am not referring to what is on your birth certificate, although that is important. In the scripture, we have instances where God changed people’s names when He wanted to move them from fear to faith. He also gave specific names to people He wanted to use in a mighty way. If we had the time in this post we would have looked into Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Peter, Paul the Apostle, John the Baptist, and, of course, our lord and saviour, Jesus Christ. But your birth name is not the reason for this question, no! I am seeking to know what you are called. 

If I took a survey amongst your friends what are you known for? What are the nicknames they call you? Do you let people just call you whatever they can muster or are you intentional about your name? How are you addressed or referred to? Because I guarantee you, the answer to this question will never be “nothing.”

What do you even call yourself? People can call you a lot of things but it is what you call yourself that will affect your self-image and in turn your confidence and courage. People only answer to the name they identify with. So if you address yourself as beautiful and someone calls you ugly, you will not respond because you do not know to whom the caller is referring. 

God Has A Name For You

If you look in the word you will find the various names that God has for you. And all of them have their etymology in His name (because He calls you by his name). For Gideon, God called him a mighty man of valor. Mighty! Can you imagine being addressed as “mighty” when you are hiding or running away? Gideon couldn’t respond to that name. He already had two names but none of them was that. “Weak” and “Least” was all he could respond to because that is what he had been called all his life. These names were inherited from his father and his father’s father. So how could he have a name that was different from his clan?

The thing about names is that they not only address, identify, and classify us, but they also shape us. No wonder a mighty man was hiding in the winepress threshing wheat. That is the last place the oppressors will think to look. His names molded him into what he was.

Permit me to ask, what has your name made of you? They address you as hot-tempered so, your temper is difficult to shake. They address you as barren and you accept. They call you a nonentity and now you don’t believe you can amount to anything.

God Calls You Differently

God has a name for you. It may not sound like what you have been called before but I guarantee you that it defines you accurately. Why? Because God never calls you by your situation but by His name. He can never call you anything outside of Him. Just like you bear your earthly father’s name so you bear your heavenly father’s name. HE also addresses you by how He sees you. And He sees you through Jesus. No wonder you are called righteous and strong, free and able, loved and accepted.

I wanna encourage you to align your name with the name of your Father and don’t answer any other name. You can always look in the word to find out what He calls you. Then start calling yourself that.

Say with me

I am mighty, I am able, I am beloved, I am blessed, I am precious in his sight and I am bought with a price.

Now add your other names.

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