

  • DAY 18
  • Fear File: Moses
  • Scripture: Exodus 4:1-9

Then Moses answered and said, “But suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice; suppose they say, ‘The Lord has not appeared to you.’ ” So the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A rod.”

EXODUS 4:1-9

In our text today, Moses asks “what if these people don’t believe me?” (if you missed yesterday click here to catch up)

Well, Moses, I seem to find a lot of similarities between us. Not too long ago when God said to prepare a devotional and tell His people that fear is the foothold the enemy is using to hold them back and shut them up, they need to come out of fear. For the days of excuses are over. My stomach got in a knot, because, how do I say these things? Who will believe this girl without a theology degree, an ordination, or a pulpit? I don’t know how to write or publish a book. I don’t have a camera. The time is too close. But like Moses, He asked me, what is in your hands? 

You Are Not Empty

God never leaves you empty-handed. There is always something in your hands. Your skill, your family, your uniqueness, your phone, your social media account, your followers, your time, even your breath. You are never empty-handed. 

Do you not know that your ability to notice things is something? Your culinary skill might be ministry. The way you are raising your kids, your personality, your dysfunctional family, etc.

Beloved, look at your hands. What’s in it? God will use that thing to provide evidence and proof of your election and His power. God wants to use you as an advertisement of His power and He is going to use what’s in your hands.

You might wonder how that insignificant thing can become great. It’s just a rod, I use it to lead sheep, and I use it to support myself as I climb mountains. How can a rod be an instrument of power? God said to Moses what He is saying to you today: Cast it on the ground. 

Thus Saith The Lord

“You do not know the potential of what you possess until you surrender it to Me.” Saith the Lord. “Cast it on the ground. Turn that possession into a seed and see what it shall become. the transformation might amaze you and even scare you. But it will not consume you. I will give you the ability to pick up what you cast down.

When others see what I have done with your rod, they might think they can reproduce it, but what I made will always swallow up what the world made. I will make you one of a kind. So that my purpose on earth will be fulfilled.

I will not only use what’s in your hands to show forth my power, I will use your hand. I will use your skill and I will use your life. Your life will be a sign where your gifts cannot.

As you read on, you will discover that the signs still didn’t convince everybody. In fact, it seemed to have made matters worse. But did that stop God from delivering His people? No! So don’t expect everybody to get on board. And don’t let the unbelievers and naysayers stop you. Go where God is sending you, and do what God is asking you. Do not be afraid.

Click here to watch the accompanying video.

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