• DAY 125
  • Fear File: PETER
  • Scripture: JOHN 21:19-22

(Jesus said this to show how Peter would die to give glory to God.) Then he said to Peter, “Follow me!” Peter turned and saw the follower Jesus loved very much walking behind them. (This was the follower who had leaned against Jesus at the supper and said, “Lord, who is it that will hand you over?”) When Peter saw him behind them, he asked Jesus, “Lord, what about him?” Jesus answered, “Maybe I want him to live until I come. That should not matter to you. You follow me!”

John 21:19-22 (ERV)

When we talk about comparison, we all like to respond with this favorite line, “I don’t compare myself with anybody o, i don’t have time for that, I am unique” or something close to those cliche responses. But when God tries to correct us about something or maybe those times when it seems like He is focusing on one part of your character, we immediately sound like Peter from our text today, “Am i the only one?” What about others? 

Comparison is examining your life in relation to others. So whether it is about success, progress or societal status, it is still comparison. 

In our text, Jesus was speaking to Peter about the way He will die but his focus was on John. His concern was whether John will die like him or if his death will be similar. Just like us sometimes.

I remember God asking me to apologize to someone because of something I said; that wasn’t all that bad by my own analysis, besides the person started it. But I grudgingly obeyed. But can you believe that God did not tell this person to also apologize? To top it off, this person kept doing the same thing almost everyday and made no apology. I was furious. I went to God as if I was going to scold someone, and I asked him out loud, did you see that? When will she apologize? Why am I the only person you pick on? But if it is their turn you do nothing. He did not reply me and the matter continued.

Some time later, God began to show me that it was about me and not about that person. My reaction is my business not theirs. Whether they apologize or not is not the issue, whether they change or not is the issue. My attitude, my response, that’s the issue here. That is what I need to focus on. I wasn’t pleased with that answer. I wanted God to deal with them too.

Mind Your Business Life

But what is my business with how God chooses to deal with someone else? What is it to me? I should be more focused on what He is saying to me. Only insecure people focus on anyone else but themselves and insecurity is fear, so is comparison. 

Beloved, this will be the perfect definition for the “mind your business” phrase. Someone else’s journey with Jesus is their business. If we stay stuck looking to know what stage others are on we will slip up. Because only those who are looking at where they are going avoid falling into the pits before them or running into objects on their way. 

People of faith know that God is intentional about them and even if others around them seem to be doing “better” they don’t feel the need to compare their lives to theirs. They go with God. Be a person of faith.


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