• DAY 118

“Then they began to argue among themselves about who would be the greatest among them. Jesus told them, “In this world the kings and great men Lord it over their people, yet they are called ‘friends of the people.’ But among you it will be different. Those who are the greatest among you should take the lowest rank, and the leader should be like a servant.”

Luke 22:24-26 nlt

I’ll never understand what it is with us, the disciples of Jesus, and titles, positions, and places of honor. And it  started way back in the days of Jesus. In our text, Jesus is giving a farewell speech, having the last supper, instituting the doctrine of communion and speaking of being betrayed and these guys found a way to argue about positions. Their oga is about to die and they are thinking of who will receive accolades. Maybe they were trying to figure out who is going to be at Oga when Jesus dies, who is going to be the one calling the shots? who is going to be the next master? Jesus, give us hierarchy, tell us who is going to be boss. Position was so important to them that they probably missed the entirety of the message Jesus was trying to pass. and at this point, Jesus needed friends not people who are hungry for power.

Be Different

But Jesus took His time to correct their faulty mentality. He said, you have to think differently from people of this world. In this world people are looking for who to lord over, they want to flex their muscles. They want to give command and show that they are the boss. But you are not to be like them because you are not of this world; you have to be different. your kingdom is not about flexing power, showing muscles, commanding people and acquiring subordinates. No! Your kingdom is about serving. It’s not about getting high tables in high places. It’s about doing the will of the father, which includes serving the people that He loves.

The disciples are not so different from us today, we always want to be the ones that sit in front. We want to be the ones to have all the titles to our names. Reverend, Dr,  Apostle, Bishop, Pastor, Deacon, so and so. And we get so offended when the titles is forgotten or mistaken. There’s nothing wrong with putting a well deserved title in front of your name. But should that be the most important thing? Should that be what your focus is on? Should that be your objective? Is it not more important to do the assignment than to acquire titles? And our esteem can be so wrapped up in all this that we even take offense. I was like that, believe me. If you call me by name instead of my title then which was D.O get ready for a speech on your level of disrespect. Yet, I was immature, rude and disrespectful of God’s people and my mouth was in need of a separate altar call. How sad.

Good Servant

Jesus made it abundantly clear throughout his time that service is the way to greatness and honor in the kingdom. and that the “first shall be last; and the last first (mark 10:31). 

Beloved, the Kingdom does not see greatness the way that the world sees. The world sees greatness on the basis of how many titles, subordinates or “followers” you have. But the Kingdom sees greatness on the basis of how well you’re able to serve. That’s what earns you a crown. Remember that when we return to Jesus, he won’t say welcome thou pastor, prophet, believer, choir master of the federation, D.O etc. what He will say is welcome thou good and faithful servant.

A servant puts his needs last. He is more focused on the desires of his master and the people he was sent to. And Jesus exemplified this by washing the disciples feet, eating with sinners, showing compassion, living amongst the people. Even when He fed the 5000 it was a desire to meet their needs that ignited  the miracle.  Yet I have been to places where ministers of the gospel cannot even eat with their workers or seat next to them. If I’m being honest I have lost my cool with people who sat on my “special seat” in church. As a leader my chair was sacred. (😂😂😂 I laugh in Togo, childishness of a young minister)

We see that the disciples embraced the servant mentality because they will later call themselves servants in their letters to the church.


Beloved, people of faith are not afraid to live as servants. Let’s us drop the desire for exalted positions and live the way God desires. God is calling us into something great and extraordinary but the way there is service.

If you’re a person in the place of authority, SERVE! wash people’s feet. By that I mean, bring yourself down and actually understand them and serve the people that God has actually put underneath you. If you are the one being served, serve others too. Don’t now let the humility of your leaders become your stumbling block. Serve the will of Jesus and serve those around you.

If you struggle with this ask God for grace and He will give you.


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