• DAY 111

Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” “Yes, come,” Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted. Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?”

Matthew 14:28-31

Let’s talk about what happened before this text. Jesus sent His disciples to cross the lake to the other side while she sends the 5000 they just fed home, He also needed to be alone to pray. The disciples, at this point, figured that He was going to find His way there somehow or that He would join another boat. So they entered the boat and left. 

I Am Here

And there came a strong wind in the midst midst The disciples were afraid. Their boat was threatened, their lives were threatened, and  Jesus was not with them. Suddenly, they see something that looked like a human figure walking towards them in the dark. First, what human walks on water? No wonder they thought it was a ghost. Then Jesus, in the most compassionate way that He could, spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid, take courage. I am here!” (‭‭Matthew‬ ‭14‬:‭27‬ ‭NLT‬)

Now, we can preach a whole sermon on that. Because wherever Jesus is, there shouldn’t be fear. Once He arrives all our anxiety should dissipate. He is so powerful that if He’s your companion in any opposition, you’re definitely going to overcome. Jesus with you is all the confidence and courage you need. It is the evidence that miracles are about to happen. It means that everything that you’re worried about, is going to be fine. Because He said, I’ll be with you even until the end of time (Matthew 28:20). 

A Test

When Peter heard that, he immediately responded saying, “If it is you, command me to come.” Now, it sounds like there’s doubt in that statement because of the word “if.” However, I believe Peter was trying to confirm that the person is really Jesus. He really believed that if Jesus said “come,” then he would receive the same capacity to walk on water. He had seen Jesus’ power, he believed in the capacity of Jesus. So he tested the person on the water that claimed to be Jesus. And when Jesus said “come,” Peter went ahead to actually step out of the boat into turbulent water. The Nigerian in me is 🤯🤯 Because Jesus didn’t calm the waves and the wind before asking calling Peter.  

Ain’t it like God to tell us to take a step of faith in the midst of turbulent winds? It seems He always calls us to step into the very thing that scares us. He does this hoping that we would trust His presence to keep us safe. It’s a tough wind but He’s with He is with us.

The Wave Or The Word

Beloved, It takes a lot of faith and courage to step out on a word from God. Peter was the only one courageous enough to step into the unknown at the call of God. I imagine that at some point he probably thought, “Oh my God, I’m actually walking on water, this is unnatural.” But before long, he started to sink.

The Bible tells us that the sinking started when he saw the waves. But the thing is the waves never stopped in the first place. So how come he didn’t notice before? I believe it’s because he was focused on obeying the call to come. But somehow the reality of his situation dawned on him and he began to look around. Peter forgot that he was actually walking on Jesus’ instructions and not just on water. It was the word that turned that sea into solid ground. He was walking on the word. And when the waves hit again, he noticed, so he faltered. He only noticed because his attention was divided and anyone with divided attention sinks, every single time.

The truth is, as long as you’re walking on the word affliction is going to come. The enemy is going to want to throw his best shot at you. The word was Peter’s sustenance and the wave threatened the word. The Word of God is a rock. It is a foundation for you to stand upon, It’s a light unto your path to show you the way. It is supposed to be your focus. If you come into any situation in your life and you put the word as your focus, you can’t sink.  So you need to hold fast, there’s no time to sink in your journey, FOCUS!!!

This is Love

Peter had courage when he asked to come out in the water. He had courage when he stepped out on the water, but somewhere along the line, his courage began to break. But there’s an amazing thing that Peter did, and it shows us both the love of the father and the power that is made available when we cry for help. He said, Lord! save me and Jesus stretched out His hands and pulled Peter up. It doesn’t matter what you’re going through, whether it’s your fault or not, the moment you shout, Jesus! save me. I assure you that the heavens are moving. God probably accounted for the faith that your humanity will threaten your confidence in divinity.

 “For He knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are dust”(Psalm 103:14) 

So He’s standing right there and He knows that there’s going to be a moment where your faith is going to falter. And He’s right there ready to stretch forth his hands and help you. Imagine if Peter didn’t cry out, or if he gave up and accepted his ‘fate’. Imagine if that had happened. But Peter acted out in faith and courage. He figured that he might have missed his way and was drowning, but he knew that he had help right there he knew that he had Jesus so he cried for help. 

Can you practice that?

Lord, save me! I am drowning in fear, in debts, in loss. Lord save me, stretch forth your hands and reach me. 

Finally Beloved, do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Like Peter. When God says come, let us go. Let us put our feet out of the boat and go. Do not doubt at any stage of the journey, and even if you do, cry out for help. Because He is ever present to deliver. He is there to save and rescue you. 


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