• DAY 66
  • Fear File: YOU
  • Scripture: Psalm 91:4

He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

For the past few days, we’ve been studying Psalm 91 if you missed yesterday, click here to read it.

Growing up, we ran a poultry farm we reared chicks of chickens and turkeys. Not too long the chicks became hens and had chicks of their own and we let them roam the compound with their young. One of the things I noticed was that the mother hen had a way of protecting her chicks. When there’s a kite or a bird of prey around the area, she would bring them under her wings. Sometimes when the sun gets too hot, she would spread her wings and the chicks will come and hide under her wings, and the amazing thing is that she covers them properly in a way that you will think she’s the only one there. The chicken is not the only bird that does this; all birds do the same thing. I even read of a bird that will fly with her chicks under her wings to a place of safety. 

I believe that this is the picture God was painting in our text today. Now, we know that God is not a bird, and I cannot say for certain if He literally has wings. But what He means here is that He provides a protective covering, a shelter, a refuge for those that are of his own. He provides it for those that dwell in the SECRET PLACE

There Is Safety

Just like a mother hen, He uses His wings and feathers to create a covering, a shield for His little ones so that whatever comes from the outside will see him and not see his young ones. Do I need to tell you how powerful that is already? That whatever threat is coming for you sees God and not you. When fear comes, when anxiety comes, and you are perfectly hidden under the Lord, you are not seen, you are not visible, so you cannot be attacked. You need to BE seen in order to be attacked. If they don’t see you, they don’t know how to get to you. If your fears can’t locate you, how will they attack you? 

This safe place should be the desire of every chick; yet, there are times when the young birds don’t stay under. I have seen chicks peck at their mother’s wings just to be let out or just keep poking their heads out. Maybe the place was too crowded or they just wanted the freedom of the outside. They wanted more room to play and run free, so they left and we can just guess how that story ends. Young birds have frozen to death or been eaten by their prey because they couldn’t stay put.

Stay Put

What am I trying to say? You cannot enjoy the covering outside the covering. You must come under the wings to be under cover. And you cannot wait until you see the kite swooping down before you run under the cover. You might not match the speed of the kite. You might get eaten alive or wounded in the process.

Hiding under the covering of God is the safest place for a believer to be. Because not only does His covering provide protection, but it also provides prevention. If you run to God when your fears are coming at you, you’re most likely going to be caught by some fears, even though you might escape most of them because you got to the covering. 

There are unnecessary attacks that you won’t face, unnecessary situations that you don’t have to go through. Why? Because not only did He protect you in the midst of your problem, but He prevented the problem from even finding you in the first place.  So basically, you need to be under the covering before the problem so that you can have a safe refuge.

 Say this prayer with understanding 

Dear God, keep me forever under your wings.

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