• DAY 67
  • Fear File: YOU
  • Scripture: Psalm 91:4

His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

Over the past few days we have been studying Psalm 91 yesterday we talked about how God covers us.  if you’ve missed any day of the study click this link to catch up

Reading this scripture brings me so much comfort, just knowing how intentional god is about protecting his own. But this particular text has me curious. If I have full protection under the Shadow of the almighty why would I need a shield and a Buckler? You see, these items are used for war or battle, they are used in a fight. So I’m wondering,  if I already have complete protection why do I need to fight? Isn’t that what the secret place of the MostHigh is supposed to do for me? to protect me, to cover me, to hide me? if I am already hidden, if I’m already covered, if the enemy cannot find me to attack me, if my fears cannot find me to come at me, why do I need weapons of War? 

The simple answer is “you are in this world.” You see the world is a very problematic place and Jesus told to expect tribulations in this world. When Jesus was in this world he had tribulations. the enemy tempted him, people hated him, he had bills to pay, and he had to deal with people within his camp that were preparing to betray him. So He knows what he’s talking about. Although these tribulations come as inconveniences and hard times, the truth is, it is actually after our joy and peace. On the other side of this spiritual warfare are principalities and powers and rulers of darkness and wickedness in heavenly places.

It’s a Fight

The devil is a very wicked devil. he cannot just allow you to exist in his territory without submitting to him. Because he is the god of this world. But This was not God’s original intention. It was man that relinquished his authority and his place for the devil in Genesis chapter 3. So God had to make a way out for us to not live under the torment and the rulership of the wickedness of this world. That way out was Jesus. He came and died so that through Him we could have the best of both worlds. A victorious life on both sides of eternity.

So if you’re going to survive on this earth you are going to have to face the enemy one way or another. and to succeed and to win you have to be in the secret place and you have to be equipped. but let me be the one to give you the good news that you are already victorious because he that is with you is greater than he that is in the world so there will never be a fight that you haven’t already overcome in Christ. For you are more than a conqueror. Jesus already defeated and disarmed the enemy forever!

Your Weapon

This text introduces us to one of our weapons, called His truth. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. The Bible also tells us that Jesus is the word of God and the word of God is His truth. So what this means In essence is that the word of God shall be our shield and our buckler.

These weapons are mostly used to protect the vital parts of the body from an attack from the enemy. It protects against arrows, assault, bullets, and other things that will be released in your direction.  when we compare this text with Ephesians 6, we see that faith is our Sheild.  But how does Faith come? It comes by hearing the truth of the word of God. so that means that if you’re ever going to be protected you’re going to need the word

Stay In The Word

When you put the word of God on the inside of your heart it builds up the faith that you need to protect your heart from fear.  We have already established in our study that fear is a lie and the only way to overcome a lie is to present the truth. If your heart is not guarded with the truth of God’s word the enemy will tell you lies and your heart will be filled with fear. You will be under the control of anxiety and you might even be diagnosed with anxiety-related illnesses.

Just in case you missed the point of this entire devotional for today, what God is saying is that as you are in the secret place, which is your spiritual position in God, you cannot put your Bible aside. You cannot stop studying the word of God because you cannot even remain in the secret place of the MostHigh if you do. So in this season and for the rest of our lives, we are going to continue to abide in the word of God so that we will continue to dwell in the secret place and continue to come out victorious.


Read Psalm 119



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