The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.

Isaiah 11:2

Beloved, you’re going to need counsel as you make it through 2024. Counsel means advice, plans, recommendations, and/or purpose. It also means guidance on conduct or behaviour. Everyone on earth will need one of these at some point in their life.

Why? You are not all-knowing. The only person that is all-knowing is God. So you will need counsel. The problem is we go to seek counsel or advice from humans. People are not all-knowing. They can have an astounding amount of knowledge in the area they specialize but they will always be limited. Now, there is nothing wrong is asking humans for advice, you should. But, you cannot be a person of courage and rely on the counsel of men.

Ask The Knowing

The Bible says the Holy Spirit knows all things. He searches the deep things of God (1 Cor 2:10). He also knows the deep secret things that are in your heart. So the Holy Spirit knows God, His plans, ways, and thoughts. He knows your thoughts, behavior, patterns, and actions. Then He also knows the future, present, and past. Who is the best person to advise you? Who is the best person to give you counsel? If not, the all-knowing, omniscient, and omnipresent God. 

He knows what to tell you per time. The best course of action for your situation can only come from Him and He can use people to tell you that too.

So this year, make up your mind that you will not take advice from anybody without asking the Holy Spirit first. And you will not ask someone who doesn’t carry His spirit, neither will you act on a counsel He hasn’t verified.


The Spirit of the Lord is within me. The spirit of counsel. I have counsel for every single thing I need to do. Every single season of my life, including this year, I will not be without counsel. I receive the Spirit of counsel manifested in my life throughout 2024. I submit myself to the counseling of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus name, Amen.


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