• DAY 55
  • Fear File: Peter, John, and Co
  • Scripture: Acts 4:31

And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.

Acts 4:31

There’s power in your prayer. God listens every time a believer opens their mouth in the name of Jesus and if that prayer is Kingdom-focused, best believe He will answer in a jiffy. God is more interested in Kingdom than your selfish desires. This should make us glad, because you will not be in The Faith had God not been focused on Kingdom. Imagine Jesus thought about his own comfort before he thought about you. 

Take a moment to check your prayer list and ask yourself, “how many of my prayers benefit the kingdom? How many of my prayer points are focused on God’s agenda?” If the scale tilts to your desire, today is a good day to adjust it. 

Today in our text we see how God answered this prayer. I was fascinated by the fact that God’s response was an outpouring of his spirit.  So now I’m wondering, did He not just pour out His spirit two chapters ago, in a dramatic way at that? Has that already expired?? Then God showed me that the answer to most of our prayers post-Jesus is the Holy Spirit. I’m going to trust God to help me explain this as simply and straightforwardly as I can, in just three paragraphs.

The Answer

You see the spirit of the Lord is how God works through us and in us in this AD dispensation and He (Holy Spirit) has various expressions and manifestations. Let’s do a quick Bible study, shall we? John 14:16 says

I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper to be with you forever. (ERV) 

But I love how the amplified clarifies that same verse

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever

Then Isaiah 11:2 says

The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.

And in John 14:17 He is also The Spirit of truth

Just as I AM

As we have seen, the Spirit of God can manifest the I AM nature of God and become what you need in every season. So when Peter, John, and Co asked for boldness, the spirit of God manifested as boldness, poured out upon them and they began to speak with boldness. They received an in-filling of the Spirit of boldness. However, in Acts 2, at the Pentecost, and also on the day He came to dwell in you, He poured out the full expression of Himself. But the various manifestations need to be assessed for different seasons.

When people pray, Holy Spirit fall afresh on me, they are not asking for a new holy spirit or holy spirit 2.0 they are asking for a specific manifestation or expression of the spirit

When I said before that the Holy Spirit is the answer to our prayers I meant that when you pray, “God, I need to love this person as you love them” for example, He releases the manifestation of the Spirit of love and through that Spirit begins to work in us to love. And that work brings us into situations that demand that we work in love.

At Work In You

That’s why in some seasons something in your behaviour is being highlighted. You notice that everybody is getting on your nerves more than normal but for some reason, you are not overreacting as usual. Instead, you are saying, “thank your stars I’m in a good mood.” What’s happening is that The Spirit of God has released strength and is working self-control in you. 

So today, I want you to know that the Spirit of love, of power, and of soundness of mind is available for you when you feel afraid. So let’s practice.

Pray right now.

Heavenly Father, grant unto me Your Spirit of love, that is able to drive away the torment of fear. Grant unto me the Spirit of power that strengthens me and fills me with courage and grant unto me the Spirit of soundness of mind that brings every thought into obedience with Christ; that I may have all boldness and all courage to do your will, in Jesus’ name, amen.

I believe that the Spirit of God has been poured out in you. God bless you.


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Before you go

Imposter syndrome is probably the most common fear we all feel. Especially when we want to step into new territory. It can be so intense that it cripples most people and makes them unable to pursue their purpose. Join me and Heaven Umuna for this conversation

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