• DAY 255

Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before Me.” But Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD. He went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish; so he paid the fare, and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD.

When I hear people come online and share how God gave them a wild instruction and they went without hesitation I always wonder how they are so agreeable. God called them to start a church and boom, they went without negotiations. Not me. In fact, I am convinced I am one of God’s stubborn flock and I am not proud of that. However, I tend to run when God says to do anything. took me 2 years to accept to go into ministry, 5 years to start writing this devotional, and 3 whole days of teary eyes to accept to move from Abuja to Badagry. Let’s not mention how long it took me to accept to be ordained as a pastor. Yes, I am the ringleader of the Jonah folk. We are skilled at going in the other direction.

But why do people run from God’s instruction? why do we choose to go the other way? Because we are afraid. That fear doesn’t always manifest the same way though. For some, they run because they feel unqualified but for others, they run because they are uninterested. Their refusal or disinterest is because of some notion, observation, or projected negative experience. I know women who you can never convince to marry a pastor because they don’t want to. If you ask further, you will find a fear forming that disinterest.

Not Worth It

Jonah was one of the disinterested bunch. He felt the stress wasn’t worth it if God would eventually forgive this vile enemy of the Jews. He knew that God would forgive them and he did not want that. Nineveh was a sinful and wicked city but they were also enemies of Isreal. They had given Israel a tough time over and over and they should not be so easily forgiven. Because Jonah knew God’s nature, he ran. And he told God from the beginning why. And he concluded that his reasons were justified. (Jonah 4:1)

In his clever little mind, there was a place where he could hide from God. He probably hadn’t read Psalm 139. If he did he would know that there is no safe hiding place from the omniscient God. He chose to run in the opposite direction of Nineveh but most of us run by avoiding to pray about that thing we know in our hearts that God is asking us to do. We run by being disobedient or making choices that are completely contradictory to God’s will.

Don’t Run

If you are running away from the Lord. Because you think that running away will get you out of what God is sending you to do. No, it’s not. No matter how far you run, God is going to come and get you, just ask Jonah. The thing He wants you to do, He had it in mind before you were created, He created you with that purpose in mind. And if you are running away, you are just postponing the inevitable and just giving yourself a headache. It will be a whole lot easier to obey. Take up courage and boldness and just do it already.

I have learned that running away is unprofitable. You’re speaking to a runaway. And the interesting thing is that, most times God chooses runaways. Those people whom He predestined are the most likely to bolt. We end up wasting time and regretting running because there is nothing more fulfilling than doing God’s will. So, don’t waste time. No need to go through all of the drama, you cannot outrun God. You can’t beat God at His game. Don’t delay to return and do His will because it is way worse if He moves on and God does move on because He will not force you. After a while, He will respect your decision. You will have to live your life knowing there is more, but you chose differently.

Beloved, go do what God is asking you to do. Don’t be disobedient like Jonah. Don’t run away, people of faith and courage, don’t do that.

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