fear of people


  • DAY 25
  • Fear File: Aaron
  • Scripture: ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭32‬:‭1‬, ‭21‬-‭22‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“When the people saw how long it was taking Moses to come back down the mountain, they gathered around Aaron. “Come on,” they said, “make us some gods who can lead us. We don’t know what happened to this fellow Moses, who brought us here from the land of Egypt.” Finally, he turned to Aaron and demanded, “What did these people do to you to make you bring such terrible sin upon them?” “Don’t get so upset, my Lord,” Aaron replied. “You yourself know how evil these people are.”

EXODUS 32:1; 21-22

Sometimes you read something in the Bible and you just have to ask for mercy. Because everything you have to say will surely be categorized as judgment. And you forget that you are not any better. That’s exactly how I felt reading this. 

How can Aaron be so weak that he allowed the Israelites to convince him to make a God? It just didn’t make sense. After all the miracles he experienced? How? But as I said, I am not any better. If I was faced with a disapproving mob, a crowd of angry, rebellious, and unreasonable people, I hope I have the courage of Lot to refuse their demands and put myself on the line instead.

Aaron’s problem was his fear of man or fear of people. He was afraid of what the mob might do to him should he not do what they said. so he decided to give them a yes day. They asked for gods and he gave them a calf. 

Hello Pressure

This is what the fear of man can do. It makes us agreeable to requests we should clearly refuse. We feel so pressured and threatened by the opinion of others that we conform to their desires. We go with the crowd because standing out is difficult and sometimes dangerous.

This fear is real, so real. Especially in this century. We can’t even speak our minds or take a stand without the possibility or threat of being canceled. If you doubt me, decry abortion, pre-marital sex, yahoo boys, LGBTQIA XYZ ETC (cause I can’t even keep the letters straight) and see what happens. They will come for you and your mama. Let’s not even talk about feminism.

I feel that the end-time persecution of the church will look a lot like accounts taken down for preaching Christ and the standards of the word over the culture of the world. Then it will be easier to conform. Conforming is safe and easy. People like you and celebrate you, you have more friends than foes. Your views and followers increase, and life is just easier. But what is your end? 

Do Not Conform

Do I need to remind you that the way of the believer is anti-culture? (And I am saying this carefully because religious folk confuse doctrine with kingdom) God has not called you to conform but to illuminate the world. You are the light OF the world. When has the sun ever admired the wind and put off its light to move like the wind? You cannot keep allowing trends to toss you up and down, you have to decide NOW who will you follow because the pressure is only going to get worse.

I won’t sit here and type a lie that if I am under pressure I am 100% certain that I won’t break. I won’t be like Peter. My prayer is when I am called to answer for my faith that I will not faint. Because I know the time is coming, Jesus said it would. I pray that I have the courage to say NO. I will not compromise. In Jesus’ name

Beloved humans are the most unreliable people to pitch a tent with. They are always changing their minds and shifting allegiances. It will be better for you if you stuck with God. 

As we come closer to the return of our King, the pressure will get as intensified as that of the Israelites and we will feel the only option is to say yes. I pray we will not fear. I pray we will not give in, but we will be strong in Jesus’ name. Amen


Catch up on yesterday’s devotional here

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