The Cost Of A Return

‘Samuel told them, “If you are returning to the Lord with all your heart, get rid of the foreign gods and the Ashtoreths that are among you, set your hearts on the Lord , and worship only him. Then he will rescue you from the Philistines.” 

1 Samuel 7:3

Have you ever seen a car reversing and going forward at the same time? Or a bus taking a U-turn and driving straight ahead at the same time? It is an impossibility. The moment the car decided to change course it ended the course it was on, left that lane, and headed to another. If you must return to God you must know that it will cost you your idols, your routine, and sometimes your comfort.

This is where a lot of us struggle. We want the best of God while we hold on to the best and worst of ourselves. Yes, you can come as you are but from the point you arrive at His feet, it must be clear to you that you can no longer remain how you were.

There’s A Cost

Do you want refreshing? You want a more vibrant prayer life? It will cost you your idols. You will have to give up what your flesh loves. Consecration accompanies returning and refreshing. 

What are the things that have taken up room in your heart? Your responsibilities, entertainment, addiction to food, porn, social media? What has taken the most of your heart and attention? Separate yourself from it. Those are the things poisoning your faith life and you cannot be drinking poison and taking health vitamins at the same time.

Beloved, God wants us to set aside those things that are not of Him, so that we can embrace the things that are of Him. It will hurt you but no price is too great if it means we have Jesus in return.


Lord, I want to put away the things that hurt me but I am struggling. I cannot do it without you. Strengthen me to let go and comfort me as I navigate the withdrawal seasons. I surrender all I am to You, now and forever. In Jesus’ name, amen


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