• DAY 250

For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, And what I dreaded has happened to me. I am not at ease, nor am I quiet; I have no rest, for trouble comes.”

Fear is the opposite of faith. It is faith on the flipside. If faith is on the side of light, then fear is on the side of darkness. However, if you juxtapose them, they operate by similar principles. For faith to work, you have to believe in something that you have not seen. Expect it so much that you confess it with your mouth, it influences not just your perspective but your actions, and know without a doubt in your heart that it will come to pass by the hand of God. For fear to work, you have to believe convincingly in your heart that what you are afraid of will come to pass. That is also evident in your words and actions. You expect it in the way you react or respond.

On one side the result is torment, which is fear and the other is life, strength, and the power to bring the will of God on the earth, which is faith. Both are forces that can affect your reality because it gives access to its source. Faith to God and fear to the devil. Yet some of us think that our fear is something that we can play around with, something that is there to suck our joy, kill, steal, and destroy.

A Foothold

When the enemy got ready to attack Job, he gained access through his fears. He looked for that one area in his life where he had a manifestation of fear and that one fear was enough to destroy his life. Same way Abraham, David, Hannah, Mary, and all other saints and people whom Jesus healed gave God access through the faith that made them righteous and whole.

Don’t be ignorant, the enemy knows your fears because you have spoken it, you have believed it, and you have acted on it. Fear is his territory and area of specialization. He can recognize it when he sees it. If you’re an expert in anything, when you see it coming, you know. You can have the telltale signs. And this man has been practicing this for centuries, millenniums before you were born. So he knows what fear looks like and he can identify it in your life. For Job, what he feared happened to him.

Cast It Out

Beloved, today is a good day for you to begin to close the door to your fears because you don’t want to give the enemy a foothold. That guy does not know how to stop with his feet. He will squeeze himself and his whole body will enter because that’s how he is. He has no boundaries. Once he finds an opportunity, he puts every single thing that he has into it. So start sealing the doors of those fears. When you see anywhere fear is, cast it out because that is like making the enemy a shareholder or stakeholder in your life, your joy, your peace. And you don’t want that. Shut every door that has to do with fear. How do you shut it? By always responding with the Word of God. When you notice that there is fear here, you say I rebuke that spirit of fear and I speak the spirit of faith and life into me. I speak the spirit of love, of power, and of soundness of mind.

I am a woman of faith. God has not given me a spirit of fear. The more you keep attacking it and attacking it and attacking it, the less potency and power it has. Identify what it is and know that this is a spirit that does not have any business in your life and send it away.


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