Counsel will save us from unnecessary mistakes. When we submit to wisdom, it will call us back when we come close to the edge. But why do we find it hard to submit? FEAR
Counsel will save us from unnecessary mistakes. When we submit to wisdom, it will call us back when we come close to the edge. But why do we find it hard to submit? FEAR
Listen, your good deeds cannot be forgotten. Your courage is being registered just as the giving of Cornelius. So don’t despair. Fight the good fight of faith continuously. Don’t cheat, don’t decieve, believe God, serve Him, trust Him. even when it feels tough, lean on Him to carry you through. Whatever you do, keep it up. Your good reward is being prepared for you.
Beloved, it’s gleaning season. So ask the Father to open your eyes to the opportunities you have been missing that you need to glean from. Repent from idleness, pride and laziness. And ask Him for grace to be diligent.
The journey of life presents us with decisions. We will all get to a point in our journey where we need to make tough choices and in our text today, two women are faced with a critical decision that could affect their future. One named Ruth and another named Orpah
God is never wrong. The Bible says He cannot tempt us with evil. If you understand the perfect nature of God you won’t blame him for anything.
Beloved, let us not let fear keep us stuck. It’s time to return to where God intended for you to be. If you look again, you might just notice that the famine that drove you away is no longer there. Don’t wait until you lose everything before you wake up and move. Move now!