• DAY 323

Korah son of Izhar, from the Levite clan of Kohath, rebelled against the leadership of Moses. He was joined by three members of the tribe of Reuben—Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, and On son of Peleth—and by 250 other Israelites, well-known leaders chosen by the community. They assembled before Moses and Aaron and said to them, “You have gone too far! All the members of the community belong to the Lord, and the Lord is with all of us. Why, then, Moses, do you set yourself above the Lord’s community?” When Moses heard this, he threw himself on the ground and prayed. Then he said to Korah and his followers, “Tomorrow morning the Lord will show us who belongs to him; he will let the one who belongs to him, that is, the one he has chosen, approach him at the altar.

Numbers 16:1-6

In our text today, a couple of Israelites came together and decided that the position and assignment that God had given to them was not enough, they wanted Moses’ and Aaron’s. “God is with us too,” they said. “We have anointing too, so why do make yourself more important than us? We don’t see anything special about you that makes you our leader.” As far as Korah was concerned, he was a Levite too. Why does the house of Aaron have to be special ones and the high priests? And he and his team of rebellious jokers dragged 250 innocent men into sin.

Sometimes you look at somebody and you say, what’s really special about this person? Why does this person have all those followers? What is this person saying that I’m not saying? Why does this person have all that business? What is he doing that I’m not doing? Why is this person getting all this attention? What qualifies him to lead me? You forget that what makes him special is that God appointed him in that position.

Strife And Die

Moses did not set himself above anybody, God did. He was minding his business watching sheep when God came for him. Same with Aaron. These rebellious men weren’t left idle. God gave all the Levites responsibilities within the Tabernacle. In fact, all of Israel had responsibilities and the other 250 men were well-known leaders. But when strife gets into a person’s heart this is what happens. They become conceited, jealous, and proud. God was so displeased with their actions he almost killed all of Israel. But Moses intervened and the culprits alone lost their lives.

You will lose things when you leave your place or when you become envious of another’s place. The place or position God has kept you is intentional. He knows why he kept you there and the people. Just be diligent to do your part. Heavy is the head that wears the crown. If you were to go through the process that gave them that position, I guarantee you may not have survived. So be grateful for your position. Be happy to do your position so that you will not end up like these men and their families.


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