Special Treatment

‘But on that day I will give special treatment to the land of Goshen, where My people are living; no flies will be there. This way you will know that I, Yahweh, am in the land. I will make a distinction between My people and your people. This sign will take place tomorrow.”’

Exodus 8:22-23 HCSB

So imagine you’re standing in a queue and you’ve been there for a very long time and after waiting there for hours, hoping your turn comes. Someone at the back of the queue is asked to come forward. Chances are every single person in that queue, including you, will get upset.

They will say things like, “Why are you going to pick the person? This is not how things are supposed to be done. We’re all supposed to follow the queue” and so on. The only person who will not be complaining is the one who was picked out of the line and saved the torture of standing in the sun and waiting for his turn. That guy will be relieved and grateful. Why? Because special treatment is something that we all enjoy when it’s happening to us but if it is happening to another person we get offended or angry.

Special To Abba

The Lord loves to give His children special treatment. Those who are on the Lord’s side enjoy peace and protection from the secret place. All things work together for their good, their end is better than their beginning. They know the secrets that are in the heart of God. He reveals His thoughts and plans to those who love love and fear Him. The rules are different for us and I am grateful for it.

In our text today the children of Israel are still in Egypt and so far they have found themselves in the same situation and endured the same fate as the Egyptians. In response to Pharoah’s disobedience, God sent plagues to Egypt and Israel partook of this unpleasantness because they lived in the same country. Just like how believers partake of tribulations, loss, pain, and so much more because we are in this fallen, disobedient world.

Same Same

I can only imagine how they felt when they were going through this plague. “We are the ones you’re coming to deliver, why are we suffering like the people holding us captive?” “Why are you punishing the victim with the victimizer?” you’re supposed to experience the protection of God on your business but the economy is affecting your business too. You kids are supposed to be different but you see some tendencies and you are wondering why.

You see, the thing is, on this earth, we will endure the same fate as the unbelievers but the difference is, we do not have to do it alone. God is with us even on the tough days and He uses these situations to build our faith and compassion. We have to trust that God will still bring us a deliverance, that He is still with us and still on our side.


Beloved, God says, “I’m about to create a separation. on this day I’m going to give my people special treatment and I’m going to show the world that they are my people. I will make a distinction between the children of Israel and the sons of Egypt.” God is making a distinction in this time, especially in these last days. The world will know those that are His. It is already been happening, this is a season when God is showing off His children. Those who are faithful get to see his blessing over their lives, their families, and their finances. So, if you’ve been bothered or worried in your heart and it feels like the darkness in the world somehow is getting to your home, do not be afraid. Upon you, a light is come even though darkness is all around.


Dear Lord, thank you for your blessing of separation. I declare the blessing of separation over my home, my children, my business, the works of my hands, and all areas of my life. My case is different, I enjoy the distinction in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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