• Day 154

“So Samuel lay down until morning, and opened the doors of the house of the Lord. And Samuel was afraid to tell Eli the vision. Then Eli called Samuel and said, “Samuel, my son!” He answered, “Here I am.” And he said, “What is the word that the Lord spoke to you? Please do not hide it from me. God do so to you, and more also, if you hide anything from me of all the things that He said to you.””

1 samuel 3:15-17 nkjv

In our text today we witness a conversation that transpired between Eli and Samuel but this conversation was inspired by a prophesy. God speaks to Samuel for the first time and what He tells him is how his boss, Eli, will be disinherited. God had revealed this to Eli as we saw in our study yesterday and Samuel was aware of this, God told him so in verse 13. Yet, Samuel was so afraid sharing this information with his mentor that he pretended that he never received that word in the first place. He carried on with his business as usual hoping it never comes up.

A Lesson

I can almost see him trying hard to hide from Eli. He probably wished he never went to Eli the night before. Maybe he should have just answered the voice that called him or lay there in silence. Now he has this heavy burden and his mouth is to weak to proclaim it.

However. Eli knew that that was a bad precedence for a high priest. God’s word must be declared as it is, no matter how heavy it feels coming out. Samuel needed to learn that fear of people is a bad ingredient in the making of a messenger of God. He must speak what he has heard to him that is meant to hear it without any atom of fear and this lesson must be learned early.

For The Preacher

This might be a good place to tell every minister reading this the very same thing. Do not be afraid of the people you are sent to. God’s word must be honored above God’s people and spoken plainly (but still spoken in love). We cannot twist the word to fit what the world wants to hear. His word is still true even today.

Our society is so hostile to the truth that if we are not careful we can often be intimidated. I think of the countless times people write unpleasant words in my comment section. It can be so hurtful you want to reevaluate what you are saying next time so that everybody can be pleased. But if I did that I will no longer be speaking the word of God. So I must take up courage and speak.

For The Believer

However, this is not only for ministers of the gospel, this lesson is for everyone. To you that know Christ, don’t withhold the truth of God’s word. Sharing the gospel is a collective responsibility and you will do well to share it as it is. When they ask your opinion or advice, say the truth of the word. Fornication is still sin and because your friend is involved doesn’t mean you should keep silent.

Yet we must never forget that truth has a method for delivery. The Bible calls it love (Ephesians 4:15). The truth we ought to share must be shared because we love the person listening. And it should be shared with words, tone and timing that conveys love. You don’t have to destroy someone’s self worth because you are speaking the truth. What is the profit in using abusive words to share the truth? Let your words be seasoned with salt and full of grace (Colossians 4:6).

If you find yourself struggling to get the truth out pray right now. Ask the Father strengthen you. If you spoke your version of truth because you were afraid, ask Him to forgive you. In Jesus name. Amen


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