• DAY 74
  • Fear File: You
  • Scripture: Psalm 91:14

For here is what the Lord has spoken to me: “Because you loved me, delighted in me, and have been loyal to my name, I will greatly protect you.(TPT)

To delight is to find pleasure; to be satisfied, content, or to find joy in a thing. Basically, if you say you’re delighted in someone, it means that you find joy in that person or your relationship with that person gives you a certain level of pleasure and satisfaction that you’ve probably not gotten anywhere else, and that delightful feeling makes you feel a sense of loyalty to them.


But you must know that whatever you set your love or your delight upon that is not God will become an idol and source of anxiety to you. Let’s say that you find pleasure and joy in money, and you are loyal to it, you will most likely fall into the trap of greed. Because ‘the love of money is the root of all evil’. That delight or that pleasure that you found in money can lead you to go miles and do strange or dangerous things to get it. If you take pleasure and delight in your abilities or strengths, you would become a very prideful person. You will no longer have faith or trust in God, but in yourself. Gradually you become your own god. This is the reason why God is saying that; your loyalty, delight, and love should be directed toward Him. 

Delight in the Lord

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart” -Psalm 37:4

Delighting in the Lord means that you are happy with just being in His presence, doing His will, and obeying His word. You are content with anything and everything that He gives you, nothing else besides Him can satisfy you, and everything that isn’t from Him you want no part of it. He becomes your inheritance, your essence, the center of everything that has to do with you.

If you delight in Him and set your love upon Him, He will give you the desires of your heart. This does not necessarily mean that He is going to answer every prayer that you pray both the ones contrary to His word and will. No. God will always only answer prayers that are in accordance with His thoughts and will for you.


However, because you are so wrapped up in Him, you cannot have a desire, thought, or idea that is contrary to or away from Him and your prayers are filled with things that will delight Him. He honors you by giving you the desires of your heart, those things that you need, He honors you by answering your prayers. And what is greater than God Himself bestowing you with honor?

If God honors you, men everywhere will honor you. That’s the kind of man that the Bible talks about when It says that “God makes his enemies to be at peace with him, because his ways pleases the Lord”(Proverbs 16:7)

But it doesn’t end with honor, He will also deliver you because you have known His name.


God reveals His name to us in the place of intimacy. The place where you have known Him on a more personal level, you have known what delights him. You have come to know who He is, His character. You can speak about Him and you’ve become loyal to Him. That place of intimacy is where you will experience deliverance.

You see, if God is your focus, the only object of your delight and the source of your satisfaction, nothing can give you unnecessary anxiety. The enemy will not be able to threaten you with self-esteem issues because you know your fulfillment is in delighting God. he can’t threaten you with lack when you already know how to get what you desire. Even hunger wouldn’t be enough to take you away from Him because you know Him enough to trust Him to provide.


That kind of love, that kind of devotion, that kind of intimacy, it is so beautiful and intense and it is where God wants us to get. He wants to get up close and personal with you and He wants you to know that you can get up close and personal with Him too. To delight in Him, to love Him completely and be loyal to Him. Your pleasure has to be gotten from God. because He made you for His pleasure, He delights in you.

How about you pray? 

Holy Spirit, help me to separate myself from whatever has my devotion, my love and my delight that is not God and help me to put my delight and my devotion in God. In Jesus name.


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