Return to Fellowship.
‘And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.’
Genesis 3:8
Fellowship means Kiononia -Partnership. It also means communication, communion, and intercourse. Fellowship is what God called us for. He sent Jesus to restore the fellowship we lost in Eden.
Recognition By Footsteps
So picture our text with me. Adam and Eve heard God walking in the cool of the day. They heard Him… How do you identify something just by hearing? You have heard it so many times that without seeing you can identify it. God and Adam had spoken enough times for Adam to identify His presence by His footsteps.
In my experience, fellowship is progressive. It starts with communication. “Hello God.” “Good morning, Father.” “Thank you, Jesus.” This stage can be mechanical and requires discipline. But then, communication progresses to communion, which is nonverbal, it is like sharing comfort food with someone you love. This is where you miss God if you don’t speak to Him coming before Him is enjoyable and it is hard to explain your experiences with Him. Not long after, communion becomes partnership –you are so in tune with God’s heart that He can trust you with His agenda and He uses you to reveal His power.
It’s A Process
Everyone God used progressed the same way. Moses started out needing a burning bush to even look in God’s direction (Exodus 3) to speaking with God face to face as a man speaks to a friend (Exodus 33:11). However the moment communication ends the entire thing comes crashing, hence a need to return.
We all get to seasons where life can take a toll and we communicate less than we would like to. If we continue in that pattern we will soon lose partnership (our service will be routine), and then we will lose communion (we will long for a time past, we will start feeling numb). Fellowship starts with communication and it is sustained by communication.
Start Over
So if you are in that season where your relationship with God is dry, mechanical, stale, and cold or depending on a rush of emotions, you need to start with communication. It will require discipline and getting past your feelings, but it is worth it. Plus you have the Holy Spirit helping you. If you need accountability partners and you want to join me on your ‘return to fellowship’ journey leave a comment or send an email to
Tomorrow we will look at the kind of communication that promotes fellowship.
If you feel like your fellowship with God is lacking can I ask you to pause for a few minutes and repent before the Lord? Ask the Lord to have mercy on you and to help you on your journey to return. Commit to do whatever it takes to return.
'God is faithful [He is reliable, trustworthy and ever true to His promise—He can be depended on], and through Him you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. ' –1 Corinthians 1:9