• DAY 204

Then Judah said, “The strength of the laborers is failing, and there is so much rubbish that we are not able to build the wall.” And I looked, and arose and said to the nobles, to the leaders, and to the rest of the people, “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.”

Nehemiah 4:10 & 14

When I read our text today, I remember what we read days ago in verse 6, “So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together up to half its height, for the people had a mind to work.” If you are anything like me, you will want to know what happened between verses 6 and 10. How can the same set of people respond differently in just 4 verses? Am I missing something? Yes, I was. I had erroneously assumed that four verses meant that all of this transpired in just one conversation. I had not taken into account that time had passed in those four verses.


The transfer of information to the enemies of Israel took more time than the text message we send out today. Planning, conspiring, and devising a plan that will defeat your enemy once and for all requires time to know what will work. Maybe not months or years, but time nonetheless. Not to mention that building the walls of Jerusalem halfway is not the same as building a fence around a plot of land you bought in Lagos. In between that text is time, and in these times, they worked, they prayed, they were mocked, and some of them didn’t have homes. They just returned as visitors to their land, and they were in distress even before the project started.

So is it any surprise that they are now weary? Is it any news that their strength failed them? If you’ve been to a demolished building site, you will know how exhausting the heap of stones can be, but they persevered nonetheless. Now, another layer of opposition is added. They not only had to build, but they also had to fight as well. That would be my cue to drop the brick and return to exile because I am not weird for that level of stress. However, these men are not like me; they were weary but they still kept building and they took up arms.

Look, Observe

Like any good leader, Nehemiah observed that these people were not the same. The Bible says he looked. After assigning responsibility and communicating strategy, he was attentive to notice that fear had crept into their midst. It is not uncommon to find fear amongst weary men, for where weariness lies, there is inadequate capacity to ward off fear. A good leader should notice the state of those they lead. They should be attentive enough to sense when something is off. Praying for those you lead will help with that.

Nehemiah proceeds to encourage them in the Lord by repeating God’s command, do not be afraid. You see, an armed man that is full of fear will still fall prey to the enemy. However, he also tells them how they can overcome the fear they feel by remembering who God is.


Remembrance is bringing something to your consciousness or awareness. It’s like arming your mind with new information. New because it was forgotten. A couple of weeks ago, we talked about remembering what God said, and we also talked about remembering His testimonies, but all these things are nothing compared to remembering who He is.

The Bible says that they that know their God shall be strong and do exploit. But sometimes we forget what we know and we become fearful. Beloved, you need to bring all you know about God to your consciousness. What do you know of God? What have you discovered of His power might and greatness?

To Do

Permit me to give you an assignment. Write out 5 scriptures that talk about who God is. How powerful and great He is. Can I tell you a secret? This God you just wrote about is heavily backing you, and He is on your side.

I pray that as you remember or discover your God, every worry, fear, uncertainty, doubt, etc., will begin to dissipate and disappear and be cast out of your heart. I pray that the Holy Spirit will bring to your remembrance the nature of your God. That you will come to an understanding of who it is that you represent. And it will fill your heart with confidence and courage in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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  1. I am blessed with today’s devotion . Bringing my mind to who GOD is to me. .. my present help anytime.. my saviour, my redeemer, the lifter of my head, my shield and my all sufficient GOD. The bishop of my soul 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️

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