• DAY 292

So Jephthah said to the elders of Gilead, “Did you not hate me, and expel me from my father’s house? Why have you come to me now when you are in distress?”


Sometimes we feel like because we have been cast aside or rejected, there will never be a use for us in the future. That’s a lie from the pit of hell. And I know that not everybody is suffering from Jephthah’s kind of rejection but what about not being accepted for a project? What about that time you wrote a book and nobody bought it? Or when you produced content and nobody paid attention to it? Rejection can manifest in different ways. Just a simple no can translate into feeling like people don’t appreciate or need you.

Rejection is not once and for all. Because God can balance things out. Although you are rejected, when it is time for Him to restore you back to the place that you rightfully belong, he will make you needed. The people who threw you away will suddenly need you. We see that with Jephthah in our text today.

Rejected But Chosen

The children of Israel needed help to defeat their enemies, when they asked God who would lead them in a fight, God chose the same person they rejected. Isn’t that amazing? God has a way of choosing the rejected and dejected. The one that everybody thought would amount to nothing God likes to choose them. He brings them from the back side of the desert and puts them ahead of those people that wrote them off and as an added bonus, He makes them needed.

In my language, they say, “onu kwuru njor ga-ekwu mma.” Those who said negative things about you will turn around and say good things about you.

Beloved, do not be afraid, those people who rejected you will need you in time. If you are in your rejection season, it’s okay. God is going to bring you into the season where you’ll be needed. Just stay true to God, keep going on as a man of faith and courage that you are.


I pray over you today, in those places where you heard no, you will hear yes. You will be accepted in those places where you were rejected. But you pray for yourself and say, “Father, give me the grace to wait as you perfect all that concerns me and work everything out for my good and Your glory. Give me the grace to continue to push through, even though I’m in this season of rejection until I get to that time where you will turn the tables around in my favor.” In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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