• DAY 104

“From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day. Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “Far be it from You, Lord; this shall not happen to You!” But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.””

Matthew 16:21-23

At 22, God asked me to move to Cotonou to work full time in a school fellowship I just left 2 years prior. I did not like that in any way. I saw it as going backward. But when I felt it was something I couldn’t negotiate my way out of I decided to seek counsel. One minister I respect told me I was too young to be thinking of this, I should get married, that ministry is better when you’ve had kids and are older. Another told me that I that’s not correct that I can serve God and still keep my job and I can even serve God in any state. When I heard these I was a bit disappointed. However, this taught me that well meaning people can often give contradictory counsel and it is up to me to go with God’s purpose.

Good Intentions Distractions

We see that in our text today. Peter loved Jesus as a disciple and so naturally he wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to his master. But His good intentions could have been a source of temptation and distraction for Jesus. So Jesus rebuked the voice that was speaking through his intentions. Because He could not allow Peter distract Him from His primary purpose on the earth. Which was to lay down His life.

Beloved, some good intentions could be temptations to distract you from God’s purpose for your life. But people of faith are focused. They have their heart set on God’s will and they will not turn to the left or to the right.

Test All Spirits

What I do find interesting is that a few verses before, Peter revealed by the spirit that Jesus was the son of God. Any individual might think that his rebuke might be of the spirit as well. We do this. We tend to conclude that because someone was accurate yesterday they will be accurate today, forgetting that we should test all spirits.

The tricky thing about these kinds of advise is that it often comes sounding like the secret contemplations of our heart. I believe that Peter said this because it was a concern for Jesus. Because later we find Him in the garden of Gethsemane praying that God should take away this cup. Perhaps, Peter presented an opportune time for the devil to return and launch a season two of the temptations that began at the wilderness. Imagine that Jesus didn’t rebuke Peter, that seed may have entered His heart and affected His ability to fulfill the one reason He was on earth. It would have shifted His focus and perhaps He would have just lived and died a great teacher and miracle worker.

Stay Focused

Beloved, your purpose will require that you stay focused. That you treat every contradictory thought or counsel with decisiveness and urgency. You cannot allow it become a seed. Address that thought and do so immediately. Rebuke that spirit speaking through that friend and do so instantly. Don’t let it linger. Disobedience starts with a well meaning counsel and a brilliant idea.

Right now, where you are, rebuke that thought. Say, “Get thee behind me, Satan. You are a liar. I will do the will of my Father” in Jesus name.


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