• DAY 210
  • SCRIPTURES: LUKE 8; Mark 5:38-42; Matthew 8

Then He came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and saw a tumult and those who wept and wailed loudly. When He came in, He said to them, “Why make this commotion and weep? The child is not dead, but sleeping.” And they ridiculed Him. But when He had put them all outside, He took the father and the mother of the child, and those who were with Him, and entered where the child was lying. Then He took the child by the hand, and said to her, “Talitha, cumi,” which is translated, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.” Immediately the girl arose and walked, for she was twelve years of age. And they were overcome with great amazement.

Mark 5:38-42

Beloved, permit me to announce to you that this is miracle season. We aren’t studying this as a coincidence. If God led us here it’s for a reason and we have to pay attention and be intentional about how we position our hearts for what He’s about to do. Because the toughest challenges come to us when we are at the door of a miracle. 

As we continue our study on Jarius’ encounter with Jesus we find them at his house. Jarius had taken a step of faith and ignored the news he received at the command of Jesus to “only believe.” Now his faith has come in contact with fact and there were actual mourners at his house, a large crowd lamenting, singing sorrowful songs, and concluding that the situation was over. See how easy it is to gather a crowd to come cry with you than to come help you? That’s life. This crowd did not have the information he had. They were working with what they could see so they concluded that the matter was over and there was no more hope.

And although Jarius could see what they were seeing he had another information influencing your reaction. He was believing for a miracle. They are two things we can learn from our text today about what to do in a miracle season.

1. Lead Jesus To It

Jarius had to have the faith to keep leading Jesus to where his child lay cold and dead. All he could do was believe that if Jesus got to the body, something will change. Beloved you have to take Jesus to that lifeless situation. He is The Life and The Word and when you introduce Him to any dead thing, it will receive life. Speak the word of God over that dead situation continuously. Don’t give up or give in. Believe that there is nothing that Jesus cannot do. There is no miracle that is too difficult for him. There is no situation that is impossible for him. And invite him into that death thing and see what he would do. When you open the door and let him in. 

2. Put Them Out

When Jesus and Jarius arrived they were greeted by mourners “Jarius, you have come.” I imagine the people saying, “Why did you still bring the teacher? We told you not to bother him anymore because she is dead. What is he coming here to do? Is he coming here to join the mourners?” As they made their remarks, Jesus interrupts their logic by suggesting that what they know to be dead was asleep. They laughed at Jesus, and He did what anyone on the verge of a miracle should do. He put all the mockers and the negative Nancys outside. You cannot allow mockery close enough to your ears because it will pollute your faith. 

You see, believing for a miracle can look crazy to the faithless but that’s okay. Crazy people are the ones bold enough to believe for the impossible. But this means you don’t need “sane” people around, You need to put them out. The time for a miracle is not a time for sentiment and negotiations, decisive actions need to be taken. Separate yourself from those friends and focus your attention on believing. Interestingly, when you lead Jesus to that situation, He will often separate you from friends you don’t need. Don’t fight for them. Let them Go. You, focus.

Jesus, Make It Alive

Beloved, as Jarius took Jesus to the lifeless body of his baby you have to do the same. Because sometimes your baby is lying lifeless. Your dream is your baby and is lifeless. Your hope could be that baby as well as your ministry, your marriage, your job, and your finances are all babies and you can lead Jesus there. 

Pray right now. Say, Jesus, this is lifeless. And everybody says it cannot come back to life, but Jesus, I trust you. I believe that as long as you are here, a resurrection can happen. This is lifeless. But God, what can you do with this lifeless thing? You are the resurrection and the life, bring new life to this again. I pray in Your name. Amen.  


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