- DAY 298
Then Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Take this child away and nurse him for me, and I will give you your wages.” So the woman took the child and nursed him. And the child grew, and she brought him to Pharaoh’s daughter, and he became her son. So she called his name Moses, saying, “Because I drew him out of the water.”
EXODUS 2:9-10
I remember working with an NGO and one time I spoke with a woman who ran a children’s home. She shared with me how some of their kids come from mothers who gave them up to save them from being killed or sacrificed in their village as an abomination. I thought that killing twins and triplets was in the past but I was wrong. I was even more amazed to discover that some kids were marked for sacrifice. These mothers gave up their children because they knew that they had a better chance at life away from them. And they chose to do what was best for the child. I hope these kids don’t grow up and consider their Mother’s sacrifice traumatic.
In our text today Jochebed is like one of these women. She has to raise her own son for another woman under the guise of a nurse. At first, she may have felt thankful that her son was saved. However, not long after she has to return her son to his mother and wave her maternal rights to him forever. I don’t know what is more painful than a woman letting her child go, not because of hate, but because of love. Jochebed chose to deny herself the pleasure of being called his mother if it meant that her son would live and come into his purpose. If she never let him go, he may not have become who he was meant to be. It wasn’t abandonment. It was a step of faith.
Parenting Is Sacrifice
Being a parent requires sacrifice and this applies to parenting children or parenting a dream. To be responsible for a move of God could require that you let it go for it to survive. You could be the one that God used to bring it, but not the one He uses to develop it and position it where it’s supposed to be. Letting that go would take faith and courage. Sometimes we hold on because we don’t want to be seen as a failure, it hurts too much to let go or we love the prestige it brings.
Recently, I was at the Abeokuta Believers Meeting and I heard Pastor Sola Osumakinde say, “I know that ABM is a move of God, but I don’t think that God is calling me to continue it. He’s asking me to let it go. He will put the mantle on other people.” For a program that successful only took faith and courage will make a man give it up. You may be the one who birthed and nourished the vision, but you may not be the one to bring it to glory and that’s okay.
Let It Go
That vision that God is telling you to let go of, let it go. It will hurt but you are a parent and your goal is to do what is best for your child. That means doing what God wants you to do. Don’t stand in the way of what God wants to do. Have the faith and courage to let it go.
I pray that God will give you the courage to let go. Even though it hurts you, you will find the faith to let go of the thing you’re holding so tightly to so that you can see what God will do through it. May you move in faith today and let go of everything that you’re holding on to because of your selfish gain. In Jesus’ name. Amen.