• DAY 339
  • SCRIPTURES: ACTS 16:23-26

“Then he called for a light, ran in, and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. And he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.””

Acts‬ ‭16‬:‭29‬-‭31‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

After the prison crusade led by Paul and Silas, everyone in that prison saw their chains loose and prison doors open. Maybe they were trying to grasp what was going on in the first few seconds. Let’s not forget that an earthquake just happened and that is terrifying enough to make someone pause in amazement for about 3 seconds. But after that, flight or fight response is triggered and for a man in prison and chains, to run is the most automatic action. Yet, everyone stayed still. One might assume that the other prisoners might have been waiting for someone to make the first move because escaping prison is dangerous, but I believe Paul and Silas decided to wait on purpose.

They saw an opportunity to share the gospel of Christ and they took it. Between you and me, I’ll first get to my house, and maybe later, start a prison outreach ministry. Not these men, they knew that those chains were not a limitation, they were in them for a reason and they would rather risk being locked up again than miss an opportunity to win souls. Deliverance was good but God’s purpose was greater. It takes courage to see the manifestation of what you prayed for and then seek God’s plan above it. And because they waited, they saved the jailer from committing suicide and also won his soul for Christ.

When you get your healing, will you consider praying for the sick and checking in on them? Would you consider that the miracle you experienced could have been an avenue for God to touch the heart of someone else or would you just move on with your life as though nothing happened? It takes courage to sit in your miracle until someone else receives theirs.

Beloved, there’s a purpose in your miracle. When God delivers you, it is for your good and His glory. Somebody will need that testimony to come to Him. That’s why you ought to be courageous in every season because you never know what miracle might emerge from your deliverance.


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