”Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.“

Isaiah 43:19

There is a phenomenon in psychology called change blindness. It occurs when a person does not notice an otherwise noticeable change in something they observe. In other words, if you are used to seeing something in a particular way every day then something about it changes and you don’t notice it immediately, you are blind to that change. An example is weight gain. Sometimes those who see you daily don’t tend to notice weight changes until after a long while.

Change blindness affects a lot of us because our mind is fixed on what was so we do not see what is and will be. That’s why when God talks about the new things He’s bringing to you, He asks, “Can you not see it?” This text is a prophecy to Israel while they were exiled. So of course they couldn’t see any new thing. All they saw was what was and that was the hopelessness of returning home. To see the new thing God had made for them they’d need to shut their eyes from the world and open their eyes to His word.

Just like Israel, God is asking you to see new things but you cannot because you are blinded by immediate reality. He is wondering why you cannot see that the tides have turned, the tune is different and the air is lighter and fresher. To see you need sight, you need the correct perspective. Your eyes have to be healed of the past. Your spiritual eyes need to be enlightened.

Today we are going to speak against that blindness. If you can, put your hands over your eyes and …


My eyes, be open to see the new things that God has put in front of you. My mind, be open and see the new things that God has put in front of you. Jesus came to open the blind eyes, so where blindness has reigned in my life I declare that I see right now. I come out of the darkness of ignorance and I see the brightness of the new day. I will see new things in 2024. I will know new things in 2024, in the name of Jesus. Amen

Also Read

Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. – Isaiah 35:5.


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One Comment

  1. I wish I read this last year, but nothing spoil. I can SEE NOW and it’s BEAURIFUUUUU!😍😍😍

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