• DAY 172

“Then Saul gave David his own armor—a bronze helmet and a coat of mail. David put it on, strapped the sword over it, and took a step or two to see what it was like, for he had never worn such things before. “I can’t go in these,” he protested to Saul. “I’m not used to them.” So David took them off again. He picked up five smooth stones from a stream and put them into his shepherd’s bag. Then, armed only with his shepherd’s staff and sling, he started across the valley to fight the Philistine.”

‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭17‬:‭38‬-‭40‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Today we continue to study the ways David showed courage in his battle with Goliath. In the days past we saw how he overcame obstacles and how he was dependent on God. If you missed any of it, click here to catch up on where we started our study.

In our text today Saul had finally agreed to let David go ahead and fight Goliath. Israel needed a representative and no one else was bold enough to apply for the position. Stepping up to that challenge would mean that the faith of a whole nation rested upon your shoulders and that is a heavy weight for any man to carry. Apparently, it wasn’t too heavy for a 16-year-old boy who already killed a lion and a bear. Since he was going against an armed man, as a representative of Israel, Saul gave him his own armor. He provided everything that David would need to face Goliath in the field. Full helmet to sword, David was armed to the teeth.


The only issue was that David refused to use them for two reasons. The first is that it didn’t fit. Saul’s armor, just like that of any other warrior of his time was made to fit him. When we read of Goliath’s armor we in verses 5-7, his armor was as heavy as he was. It would be unwise to give a giant a regular size shield or breastplate or sword; he wouldn’t be able to fight or protect himself with it. So David probably staggered in the king’s armor because it wasn’t made for him. He needed weapons that were fight for him. A piece made with his name on it. He couldn’t win a war in the armor of another man.

If you are going to step out to fulfill God’s purpose, if you’re going to chase that dream and succeed, then you cannot do so in another man’s armor. You cannot try to look like “them”, talk like them, walk like them, or behave like them. The way they are is their armor and it won’t fit you. Lean on your own uniqueness. You can learn from them, adapt some of their strategy if it’s a universal principle. But your unique set of skills should not be murdered at the altar of copy copy.

Out of Style

The second reason David didn’t accept the armor was because it wasn’t what he was used to. He was trained in the wilderness with sheep. His resume was built out there in the wild as a shepherd. This “polished” thing was not his forte. Although he would need to learn to live a palace, he understood that his first battle required the skills honed in his last battle.

Joseph used the organizational skills and interpretation gift he harnessed in prison when he first appeared before Pharoah. Jael used the same skill she honed putting up tents for her family to kill Jabin with one blow and win victory for Barak and Israel. Esther used the training from her uncle’s house to gain the favour of the eunuchs in charge of her and so became queen. All these people, including David, would later learn new skills for their new assignment but this was not the time to learn. There’s a giant out there.

Already Ready

Beloved, this is not the time to acquire new skills or try new things. God will not send you to the giants if your oil and skill was not sufficient for the job. The only thing in the way is your fear.

You need to trust that God already equipped you for the assignment. You don’t need the king’s armor, you don’t need to use weapons that you have not mastered. Stick to the one you know. Get your smooth stones, your sling and your rod and move in the direction of Goliath. Step out like you know what you carry. Don’t invest in being a photocopy. Don’t fit into the mold. I know that people who are embarking on the same assignment have a way they do things, that’s okay for them. You are different.

Take a moment and ask God to show you your own sling and stone. That unique thing in you that you overlooked while trying to be like them. Speak to yourself and cast out that fear. In Jesus name.


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