- DAY 11
- Fear File : Abram
- Scripture: Genesis 17:17
Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed, and said in his heart, “Shall a child be born to a man who is one hundred years old? And shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?”
Genesis 17:17
God is talented at giving us unbelievable promises that if we really think about, is actually laughable. I know I would laugh if I was told that by this time tomorrow I will be the wealthiest in the world and I am the one writing about fear.
For Abraham, having a child through Sarah was laughable. As far as this couple was concerned, that chapter had closed. The numbers just don’t add up.
“Look at the numbers, God. Nobody in my family has ever graduated. How will I own a house in a year when I am squatting today? I can’t even afford to rent a house. Which womb will have a baby at 65? How can I run this company someday when I am the cleaner today? Who will marry me at 50? Doesn’t make any sense. The days of this kind of miracle have passed. Let’s be real. Let’s be practical.” Sound familiar?
If you haven’t heard God say something out of this world, you will. I believe that some of you reading this are entering a realm of visions. The things God will reveal to you will exceed the realms of human possibility. And you will begin to see it tonight. In Jesus name.
Now, Abram wasn’t the only one that laughed. In Genesis 18:11 his wife had the same reaction for the same reasons. They laughed because what they were told had never been heard before.
God Is All The Proof You Need
It is easy to believe when there is a precedence. Because there will be proof that God has done it for someone else before. You can hold on to that. But in a situation where you are the pioneer, the first of your kind, the only evidence you have is the nature of God. You will have to live in the realms of “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”
Can I remind you that the nature of God is enough evidence? If you have nothing else to hold on to, hold on to God’s word. Should you have no one else to call for proof, call on Him. If there was no other person to confirm it to you, God will confirm it by himself. Do you know that he made the same promise to Abraham 4 times. (Gen 12:7; 15:4; 17:17; 18:10). Truth is, God only needs to say it once, and it will happen. He called light once and it answered. But He says it to us twice because He is trying to move us from fear to faith. It is by faith that we can become His partners.
Beloved, would you commit to taking God at His word? Would you be the one that says YES LORD, even when the numbers don’t add up?
I hope you are. Don’t let fear make you laugh. Have faith. There is nothing too hard for God.
Don’t forget to watch the video here