• DAY 14
  • Fear File: Lot’s Daughters
  • Scripture: Genesis 19:30-32

Then Lot went up out of Zoar and dwelt in the mountains, and his two daughters were with him; for he was afraid to dwell in Zoar. And he and his two daughters dwelt in a cave. Now the firstborn said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man on the earth to come in to us as is the custom of all the earth. Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve the lineage of our father.”

GENESIS 19:30-32

Humans are wired for connection. I know that the woke generation propaganda says that you can do bad all by yourself and you don’t need anybody but that is anti-nature and anti-faith. Nobody can survive alone. Nobody! And I don’t mean this in the context of romantic relationships alone. I’m also talking about basic human connections. You cannot survive alone. We all want to have our own person. We all want love, friendship, and/or companionship and we want it with another person. So we are all in search of “the one.” But sometimes it takes us a while to find “the one” and that’s where matters get complicated. Especially when it seems like everyone but us has found theirs.

In our text today we have two very single virgins. If you recall they were engaged to be married before they were dragged out of the fiery destruction of Sodom. Now they are stuck in a cave, with their father, a biological clock, and no one in sight to audition for the role of “the one.” These ladies decided to settle for the only available option. Even if it meant committing the heinous act of rape. Talk about desperation. (the bible really does include everything)

“Let’s get our father drunk,” they said, “after all, there is no other man in the world.” Really? No man in the world? In the entire world, there is no man for you? I know that losing your home and living in a cave narrows your dating pool but what about Zoar? You lived there for weeks, couldn’t you find any man to do the deed? Did it really have to be your dad? “Eww,” says my millennial brain. Eww! Eww! EWWWW!

Settling For Desperation

Wait, though. Don’t we do this too? Settle for the available option because we think we have no other alternatives and we are running out of time. It may not have been rape, but what about getting pregnant to make a man marry you? What about settling for getting pregnant because your clock is ticking and there’s no husband? What about duping people off their hard-earned money because you couldn’t get a job? What about blood money?

Desperation can make people do all sorts of things. And we become desperate because we are afraid that we are either out of time or out of options. But neither is the case. As long as you are God’s, that can never be true because he controls both time and options.

We have read about Abraham and Sarah having a child when they had run out of time. Ruth, who lost everything, moved to a new country and still found a husband. Do we need to talk about Rahab the prostitute, or Esther? All in a slim dating pool but still found a husband. Or maybe we should bring up Joseph, who started out with options but was robbed of them and yet somehow still landed at the top?

You Don’t Have To Settle

Who told you, you had to settle for less than what God has prepared for you because it doesn’t look like what you desire is coming? The vision is for an appointed time and when your kairos comes, it will be worth the wait.

Don’t let your heart be troubled. Whenever you feel pressure, take it to God and rest in the confidence that He is working to make it beautiful in its time.


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