• Day 105
  • SCRIPTURE: LUKE 22:39-44

And He was withdrawn from them about a stone’s throw, and He knelt down and prayed, saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.” Then an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him. And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

When we started this series we pointed out that Jesus was fully man and God and our text today highlights His humanity. I believe that this part of His journey was recorded because we all get here. We all get to a point in purpose where we want to quit. The weight of the assignment finally dawns on us and we want God to reevaluate the MOU we signed.

I had this experience years ago. I was a girl in her late twenties, employed in full time ministry. I had no money, no social life (whatever that means), no husband or interested male party and I was in a foreign land. The responsibility of being a first born coupled with the difficulties that came from leading church people was more than enough for me. I was done. I asked God to call someone else and let me alone. Long story short, He didn’t. Hallelujah. But not all of us get here on the journey.

This Is Tough

Some of us get here even before the assignment actually commences. Much like Jonah, they predict the outcome and decide to take a rain check. I don’t even fault them because this ministry thing, this faith-based life, is no joke. And can we just talk about how tough obeying God can be? It is not always easy-breezy, it requires sacrifice and crucifying the flesh. That hurts. It is by grace and grace alone that we are able. And only courageous and faith full people can withstand the pressure.

Choose To Surrender

For Jesus His assignment involved one of the most painful deaths ever created. The entire journey to the cross was painful, shameful and devastating. Who wouldn’t negotiate? But doing God’s will was more important to Him. Dying for you was more important. As He knelt there praying and sweating heavy out of anguish, He chose to do the will of His father.

Beloved, can you imagine how difficult it must have been for Him to trust God’s plan even in His pain? Can you imagine how heavy His heart was? You are going to come up on seasons where you will be tempted to walk away from purpose because the pain seems unbearable, it’s going to take faith and courage to surrender to God’s will.

Take It To God

But let’s not forget how Jesus handled this pain. He went to pray. When He felt overwhelmed and discouraged, He took it to God. This should be the theme of your life, “take it to God.” We see that strength came when Jesus took it to God. All the strength you need to overcome the pressure points of purpose is found on your knees. Go to God.

Tell your Father how heavy it weighs on you. Tell Him how you desire to do His will but it seems impossible at the moment and you will need a helping hand. Ask for grace and strength to continue. Pray In Jesus name.


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