Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23 

You cannot survive without mercy. It is by the mercies of God that we have not come to our end. Mercy is sustaining you and me. Look at the words describing mercy, kindness, pity, goodness, faithful, etc. These words describe God’s deposition towards you.

God is merciful and chooses to be merciful to whom He desires and He desires to show you mercy because He redeemed you through the sacrifice of Christ. The blood of Jesus flows and we can now come boldly to the throne that we might obtain mercy from He who sits on the mercy seat.

However, what is most amazing is that He renews this mercy every morning. Every new day, God starts you off on a clean slate each day. Each day has its challenges and God gives us enough mercies for the issues of each day.

Lord, this year, let your mercy speak for me. Show me your mercy that is new every morning. Show me your mercy that preserves, cleanses my slate, and gives me a new and better beginning. Show me Your mercy that brings healing, favor, and wholeness. I receive your mercy in Jesus’ name. Amen. 


Remember, it is not a confession for you until you say it with your mouth. 

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