The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

PSALM 23:1

One of the most common fears I encounter is fear of lack. A lot of people write me to tell me how they are afraid of their needs not being met or afraid that what they have will never be enough. Some are afraid of being poor or living in lack and this fear not only takes away their sleep and makes them live in perpetual fear, it also leads them to do anything to avoid lack.

And with the way that the economy is going and the endless forecast of increasing inflation, rising unemployment, and a global economic crisis, it is no wonder that a lot of people are concerned and struggling to survive. And also why people go into a panic when funds are low or scarce.

However, you do not need to be afraid or worry. God is reminding you that He is your shepherd and He has made provisions for you so you need not worry. He is your shepherd and He will supply. Trust Him.

Don’t let the negative economic state or report affect your heart. Instead declare God’s promise for you. The Bible says that the young lions may lack and suffer hunger but those who fear the Lord shall not want any good thing. It’s not just your necessities that God will provide, He also provides the good things of life.


No matter the economy I shall not want. No matter the inflation. I shall not want. My shepherd has provided everything that I need. In Jesus’ name. Shalom.

Related Verses

Oh, fear the LORD, you His saints! There is no want to those who fear Him. The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing. —PSALM 34:9-10

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