For surely there is a hereafter, And your hope will not be cut off.
PROVerbs 23:18
We all have what we are hoping in God for. Some are hoping for a promotion, others for a child. Some are hoping for financial breakthrough as God promised and yet others are hoping for a spouse.
For Abraham, he was hoping for God to bring His word to pass and make him a father of many nations. Just like you, he waited, he wondered if the passing of time would negate the promise, he also took laws into his hands and brought forth Ishmael. Yet it was recorded that he held on to his hope till he received Isaac.
”who, contrary to hope, in hope believed, so that he became the father of many nations, according to what was spoken, “So shall your descendants be.”“ Romans 4:18 NKJV
People of faith are always hopeful but sometimes, our hope gets deferred or lingers in manifestation so we become weary and faint hearted. And it becomes difficult for us to keep hope alive because our heart is sick. (Proverbs 13:12)
God is saying that your hope will not be cut off if you continue to fear Him. Do not be weary or afraid, you have not hoped in vain and there will come a day when you will be living in the reality of all that you have been hoping for. So don’t lose hope.
However, our text today is not only speaking of some material or temporal promise or thing, but of an eternal hope. We have no need to envy the wicked because there is a hereafter. We have a place to be after our time on earth is done. We also have a better future than our present and we will not be put to shame. Jesus is our hope and He will never fail.
Speak over your heart and say “my heart, take courage your hope will not be cut off. The Lord will bring to pass everything that He has promised. Fix your eyes on Jesus and hope in Him, for He is your everlasting hope.”
May His promises in my life come to pass in Jesus name. Amen.