My defense is of God, Who saves the upright in heart.

PSALM 7:10

When you face threats big and small. When you are in the face of opposition great or little, God is your defense. I don’t know much about football but I do know that there is a team that is put there for defense.

Their responsibility is to ensure that the opposing team does not score a goal in their net. The defense protects the net, hinders the opposition, and even blocks their attack or attempts.

God protects and defends you from your opposition. It is a two-way street. He is right there to ensure that there is no attack from the enemy, and no fear can come in. Nothing that the enemy throws at you can destroy you. 

When you say your defense is God. You have to say it with confidence that no matter what tries it cannot defeat your God. Matthew 12:29 says:

Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house.

Your mighty man is God, and He is the one who keeps watch over you. He is your shepherd. Nobody and nothing can bind Him because He is the all-powerful. Nobody can successfully pass him and attack you while He is there on guard. So do not be afraid.


My defense is God. He is my covering and protection from harm. Nothing can harm me while I’m in his care. If in His wisdom He allows something that His power could have opposed; I know it’s because He has something greater in store. So I trust Him. I know He has me covered.


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