• DAY 297
  • FAITH FILE: Miriam

And his sister stood afar off, to know what would be done to him. Then his sister said to Pharaoh’s daughter, “Shall I go and call a nurse for you from the Hebrew women, that she may nurse the child for you?” And Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Go.” So the maiden went and called the child’s mother.

When the Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God has not given us the spirit of fear, it also says that He has given us the spirit of love. In the place of fear, he gave us love. Love is the spirit that has the capacity to drown and overcome fear. Perfect love conquers every form of fear. What we see in Miriam in our text today is a heart of love for her younger sibling.

When Jochebed could no longer hide her son, she had to let him go but she had not given up on the beauty she saw him. So she put him in a basket and protected it from sinking by adding asphalt and pitch. She did this hoping that someone would find him before he drowned, probably an Egyptian. The odds were against her but she would take that chance rather than allow them kill her beautiful child. This was an act of faith.

A Dangerous Move

This faith obviously robbed of on Miriam because she follows this child, her brother. She’s hoping that he won’t end up like the other ones. Her love for him compels her to accompany him to “see what might happen to him.” As God ochestrated it, Pharaoh’s daughter is bathing at that same. When she sees this child she is moved and that is when Miriam steps out courageously to speak to the princess. This could have gone either way and do not forget she was the daughter of a slave, so technically she was a slave. And she offers to bring a nurse for the child, but she goes home and calls her mother to play the nurse.

Beloved, love will make you forget that what you’re doing is dangerous. Love can compel you more than fear can. If love is in our hearts, we would move for the well-being of our brother, our brother in faith. We would move against fear and not be afraid of whether we’ll be condemned. And we will extend love to those who need love by going out of our way to ensure that people hear the gospel. When love compels us, fear dissipates.

So I pray for you. That the love of God be shed abroad in your heart so that every place where fear is manifested on the inside of you, love takes over. Let the perfect love of God take over every form of fear that may be manifested on the inside of you today in the name of Jesus. Amen.


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