He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision.


Let’s do something very prophetic today. Think or picture every single thing that looks like an opposition to you or something you’re believing for that is taking time or some gang up or something against you, with that picture in your mind, laugh.

The Bible says you shall laugh at destruction. Some things are going to come up that might seem like a lot but He who sits in heaven laughs while men plot evil against the righteous. God sits in heaven and laughs but guess what? You sit in Heaven with God too.

“Even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” —Ephesians 2:5-6

You laugh because you know that the plots of the wicked can never prevail over you. You laugh because it’s laughable that they think their plans stand a chance against God’s promise of protection. They must be on something strong if they think that God is going to sit idly by and watch his children continually be oppressed and not arise and do something about it.

When you see things that you’re not supposed to see in your life, you ought to have one reaction—laughing. They probably didn’t get the memo that nobody touches you for free. That situation or obstacle looks funny standing in your way. But God is about to arise on your behalf. So take a step of faith instead of being afraid and laugh. Can you do that? Can you laugh in the Holy Ghost? 


I refuse to be afraid. Instead, I laugh. I laugh in the face of every opposition from my position in the heavenly places. And God has arisen as my deliverer. I will not be afraid

You shall laugh at destruction and famine. —Job 5:22


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