You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.
Isaiah 26:3
Peace is a product and a function of focus. What is your heart stayed on? Where are your eyes focusing? That will guarantee your peace. A lot of us expose ourselves to anxiety because our focus is not on God. Jesus is called the Prince of Peace; He is the source of peace. His presence is peace, His kingdom is peace –Righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
God’s kingdom has peace but the world has tribulation. If your eyes aren’t stayed on God you’ll have fear, worry, and anxiety. These are the things that you want to stay away from. So it makes sense that you focus on the things that you want, the things that make your life richer, and not on the things that torment and deplete your life.
Pursue Peace
Philippians 4 tells us another way to access that peace is to consistently go before the Lord and pray. As you take your time in the prayer to wait upon the Lord you get your worries exchanged with peace.
Your eyes being stayed on the Lord means that you trust him. It means that He’s your gaze and your focus. It means that you have expectations from Him. You’re not looking or putting your expectations or trust on anything else. You’re putting your faith, your hope, your expectation, and your trust on Him. As you continue to do this, you experience peace.
Speak to your heart and say, “My heart, fix your eyes on the Lord. Set your heart on the Lord and you shall find peace. I speak peace over your mind, your heart, and your life.” In Jesus’ name.