• DAY 101
  • SCRIPTURE: LUKE 6:12-16

“Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. And when it was day, He called His disciples to Himself; and from them He chose twelve whom He also named apostles: Simon, whom He also named Peter, and Andrew his brother; James and John; Philip and Bartholomew; Matthew and Thomas; James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called the Zealot; Judas the son of James, and Judas Iscariot who also became a traitor.”

LUKE 6:12-16

So I’ve said it a couple times that you need friends for courage. This faith journey is not for lone wolves. You are not suppose to run it by yourself; it’s not even possible because purpose requires people. You need a team of people that will spur you on to courage, a team, a geng, your own tribe.

In our text today we find Jesus forming His team. He knew that He couldn’t change the world without a team. We see the intentionality in His selection process. First, He went to God to ask. And then He selected the 12 disciples whom He ordained apostles. What I find fascinating is that amongst the 12, included His betrayer. He intentionally picked these men knowing that associating with one of them will be the end of Him.

Beyond that, Judas was made in charge of finances. He walked around with Jesus as a disciple. When Jesus sent them to heal, he was there. He wasn’t kept at arms lent. He was a close enemy.

Choose Wisely

I don’t know about you, but I am allergic to betrayers. I don’t think I am that kind of person that would know that my friend is my enemy and let them in my space. I will cut them off quickly and permanently because I like my peace. I don’t want foes for buddies. I pick people who promote my well being. And this isn’t strange.

This is our wisdom. When we pick friends we want people who will lift you us not tear you down. Who are like minded and can be who we want them to be in various situations but the question is did you ask God?

Case Of A Friend

Some years ago I had to work with a colleague I considered difficult. There is no way we will work together and not be friends, maybe not besties. But at that time friend was too much for me. I whined, prayed, nagged, complained and ranted for her to go away but God said He doesn’t hire people based on my preference.

As if that was not enough, God asked me to make her my prayer partner. And told her same thing and she was set on obeying God. I didn’t want

We went on to become close-ish friends and she never changed the things I didn’t like. But that friendship was allowed in my life because God wanted me to learn to work with people who I didn’t like and learn boundaries that I clearly didn’t know how to set. Her friendship taught me a lot. Even though it was unpleasant. If God let me to choose I would not have chosen her and I would have made a mistake.

No Judas, No Cross

if Jesus decided not to pick Judas, He too would have made a mistake. Because He knew according to prophecy that it’s a close ally that would betray Him and lead Him to the cross. He went with God’s selection even when it meant picking a foe.

Beloved, courageous people know that “good friends” are not always good for destiny so they opt for “God friends.” People who are positioned to enable them fulfill God’s plan for their lives. Don’t judge with your eyes, pray before you make or discard your next ally.


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  1. To enlightened people out there

    Judas didn’t knew that he is going to betray Jesus in the beginning of His journey. We must be careful to not permit the affairs of this world to choke away the love of God in our heart.

    The case of Judas was what Jesus was talking about in Mark 4:18-19

    Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.

    Mark 4:18‭-‬19 NIV

    Judas was a disciple of Jesus like others but his foundation as lover of money lead him to become the betrayer.

    This is already in the plan of God. Someone must betray Jesus and Jesus as the Son of the Living God knew its going to be Judas.

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