- DAY 57
- Faith File: Stephen
- Scripture: Acts 6:8-12
And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people. Then there arose some from what is called the Synagogue of the Freedmen (Cyrenians, Alexandrians, and those from Cilicia and Asia), disputing with Stephen. And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke. Then they secretly induced men to say, “We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God.” And they stirred up the people, the elders, and the scribes; and they came upon him, seized him, and brought him to the council.
We’ve been studying the first Apostles for a couple of days, today we will study Stephen. If you missed any of that, please click here to get caught up.
We first hear of Stephen when he was selected as one of the seven deacons to serve the community and help the Apostle solve the conundrum of being expected to wait on tables and preach at the same time. In today’s church assembly, Stephen would probably be in the welfare unit or the ushering team. Yet, he did not say, “I’m an usher, let me leave the preaching, the teaching, the miracles, the signs, the wonders. the healing, and all of that to the Apostles. Those ones are the pastors, the preachers, it’s their job, I’ll just focus on waiting tables.” Nah!. This usher took the word of God to the streets with such anointing, wisdom, and power, that some Jewish folk from out of town got ticked off. He was so full of faith and courage that his ministry was too powerful and too full of proof to be resisted.
You Can Do It Too
Let me just put it out there that the calling to go into the world and to preach the Gospel of Jesus, or the grace to possess the gifts of the Holy Spirit, is not only limited to the people that are holding the mic on the pulpit. The Bible says that “these signs shall follow them that believe; in My name, they shall cast out demons, in My name, they shall heal the sick…” (Mark 16:17-18). Believing In Jesus and having His precious Spirit are the only criteria to work miracles.
You don’t have to feel timid or afraid to lay your hands on somebody or to share the Gospel with somebody because the Holy Spirit that lives in you is the same Holy Spirit in them. That same spirit raised Jesus from the dead. Only believe
Back to Stephen. Friends, When people can’t resist you, when you say what people don’t like and they cannot shut you up, they will accuse you or set you up. And can I tell you that they don’t need any evidence to come against you? They will just make things up. For Stephen and for Jesus they cried blasphemy and raised up false witnesses to support their claim. Just like how they saw you minding your business and started spreading rumours about you. Your diligence at your job was too much for them to handle so they decided that to get you out of the way they will spoil your name in front of your boss. But every accusation is an opportunity for Kingdom.
I know we’ve been talking a lot about threats. We’ve been talking a lot about taking beatings. Because I believe that’s where God wants us to really dwell in this season. I don’t know what is coming. I don’t even know why I’m emphasizing this, but I know that this is what God is talking about now. And trust me, I don’t pray that we will be accused. However, you need to know that you can be doing your assignments and people will take offense with you and accuse you.
Not In Vain
We all know how the Stephen story ended, he was stoned to death. An innocent man, given the death penalty, sounds familiar? I know how discouraging this sounds but the truth is, some accusations will not get resolved. You might lose that job, and you might in fact go to court but can I tell you that, that is not the end of the story? God never lets our sacrifice be wasted. Our labour of love is never in vain.
Can we talk about the courage he had even to the point of death? This Usher used the opportunity of his accusation as a medium to spread the gospel. His life was threatened, but he still gave a sermon. Even in death, he must still speak of Jesus. Ah! The audacity, the confidence, the courage, and as if that wasn’t enough he prayed for their forgiveness as they killed him. Chills But all this was not in vain. This murder introduced us to a man named Saul. who we know and love as Paul the Apostle.
A Legacy
Paul was the chairman of the crowd that stoned Stephen. He held their clothes and egged them on. What he did to Stephen he collected licenses to do and did to other believers. but I believe this incident was the beginning of his conversion. This Paul did more than Stephen. He raised up churches, converted more souls, etc. Stephen didn’t even have a church, He was just an usher, a women’s leader, but the acts and sacrifice of an USHER had such a mighty ripple effect that led to changed lives,
Beloved, your trouble is not in vain. You didn’t go through all that for anything. God is a rewarder. Do not be afraid to stand for God wherever you find yourself and do not let the setup scare you. God is up to something. Through you He will change a generation, through you He will bring deliverance.
Pray with me
Father God, give me the confidence and the courage to do your work and go in your direction. To run with the purpose that you have given me without being afraid. May I not be afraid of the terror, I cast out the spirit of fear and declare upon myself the spirit of courage, love, and a sound mind.