- DAY 92
- Fear File: Elisabeth
- Scripture: LUKE 1:24-25 TPT
“Soon afterward his wife, Elizabeth, became pregnant and went into seclusion for the next five months. With joy she exclaimed, “See how kind it is of God to gaze upon me and take away the disgrace of my barrenness!””
Fertility issues affect men and women in different ways. For women, it can often feel as if you cannot do the most natural thing every woman is supposed to do. And sometimes it can get compounded by society, family, friends and sometimes even husbands putting pressure on the wife making her think everything is her fault. Not to mention the feeling of disappointment every month. And so when I read this chapter, I couldn’t help but put myself in Elizabeth’s shoes.
For years, she yearned, prayed and believed God for a child. And she must have wondered why it was taking so long? Why was God not responding? Was there something wrong with her and Zechariah? How long will she have to wait? Like many women, she might have felt that God was punishing her by taking His sweet time to answer her. But this is just my speculation. What I do know based on our text is that she felt ashamed.
God Doesn’t Delay
God wasn’t delaying, or withholding or even trying to make her ashamed. He was intentionally and unrelentlessly working out His plan for Elizabeth.
This woman was designed and chosen to bring forth the forerunner of Jesus. If Jesus’ time hadn’t come yet, how would His forerunner come? Sometimes, What we perceive as God’s delay is simply His desire to give you a better end. He knows what that end is and when that end is due. But because you live in time you think that He is delaying but He isn’t.
It’s all part of a plan
So what is God saying to us today? Everything that has to do with you has a purpose. Even if it takes a while it’s for a purpose, God structured it that way. Maybe He wants to use your testimony as a reference point for somebody else, as He used Elizabeth’s miracle as a comfort for Mary. So everything that you are going through right now is on purpose.
Lord, we are sorry for all the times we mistook your intentionality as delay or denial. Help us have faith and patience to wait for your time. We believe that everything works together for our good and we believe that you have a plan so we surrender to you. Amen.