- DAY 223
Then Jesus, again groaning in Himself, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone lay against it. Jesus said, “Take away the stone.” Martha, the sister of him who was dead, said to Him, “Lord, by this time there is a stench, for he has been dead four days.” Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?”
As we continue our study of Lazarus’ miracle, we find Jesus is at the site of his tomb. He was there to bring forth a resurrection. For He said to Martha, “I am the resurrection and the Life” However, as He arrived at the tomb it is covered with a stone. This wasn’t strange. Tombs were closed to keep away animals and unwanted visits, respect the dead and protect the living from the smell of the decaying body. So it was normal. What was strange was Jesus’ request. Martha protested as anyone of us would.
“Jesus, he’s stinking.” Martha was trying to discourage Him from doing what was needed for that miracle to happen. She wanted to “let sleeping dogs lie” or leave well enough alone. She had made peace with Jesus’ late arrival. What she didn’t understand was that Jesus could not bring about a resurrection without access.
Access Denied
Sometimes we want a miracle, we want to see a change but we are not willing to give God access. We’re telling God “What’s on the inside of me is too messy for You to look at. My life stinks on the inside. I know you want my life and you want me to surrender my heart to You but if You look at what is on the inside of my heart I don’t think you’re going to want it.” We try to discourage or advise God against His decision.
We forget that God knows what He’s signing up for. I believe that Jesus was smart enough to decipher that somebody that had been in the tomb for four days was already smelling and so it wasn’t a mistake that He asked for the stone to be rolled away, He did that on purpose.
God Knows
Beloved, Jesus knows what He’s signing up for with you. But He’s hoping you will trust Him enough to take away the limitations that you’ve put around your heart and life and give Him access. He knows what is inside you. He knows your history, your past, your present, your struggles, your lies, He knows everything about you. Yet He here He is in front of the tomb. You don’t have to advise Him against you because He already saw everything. You cannot scare Jesus away like you push everyone else away. He who bore the sins of the world can handle your stench.
Jesus is saying to you today
“Don’t tell me it stinks because I know that for sure. What I want to know is, Are you willing to roll away the stone so that I can gain access to your life? Would you rather have the stench or have my plans for you? Are you willing you allow him to bring forth the resurrection in your life? Would you shift the limitation of the hurts you’ve had in the past, the pain, doubt, and fear, and allow Me to do the work that I want to do in you? or would you hold on to the way that things are and tell Me to back off? It’s your choice to make but bear in mind that of the two options, one will bring you a miracle and the other will terminate the miracle that I have prepared for you.
If you’re wondering how you can take off that limitation, it is as simple as saying Yes to God. You don’t need to stop hurting, clean up your past or lift up the barriers before you can let God in. You just need to stop making it an excuse. God can do the rest. He heals hurt and pains and He can handle your mess. Take a moment right now to surrender to God. Say YES, right now.