- DAY 112
“So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.”
John 19:30
So today is the final chapter in our series, ‘The Courage of Jesus’. But it’s not going to be the last time we will talk about Jesus. Because you cannot talk about courage without looking into Jesus. Jesus is The Word and as long as we continue studying the word, we’ll be studying about Jesus. So if you missed any part of the series, or maybe the entire series, you can click here to start from the beginning of this series.
End Of Story
Today in our text, Jesus said, It is finished. Whenever I hear or read this phrase, I get excited. Those words ‘it is finished’ are so powerful. For me, it means that everything that is contrary to the will of God in my life; Jesus finished on the cross. The pain, the fear, the torment and traps. Sickness, death, lack, insufficiency, depression, EVERYTHING. Jesus took care of it all, it is finished totally and completely, end of story. Hallelujah!
However, let’s look at it from Jesus’ perspective, Jesus is saying here, “I finished what I came here on earth to do. I have preached good tidings, healed the broken-hearted, set the captives free and given My life as a sacrifice, My assignment is done. It was tough, difficult even, I was tempted, broken, abused, betrayed, jeered at and I almost quit at the garden. To top it all off, a lot of people did not accept Me or My message, and for that they crucified me. But my joy is, with all of the difficulties I faced, I finished my race”
It’s Tougher at The End
If you don’t understand how powerful that is, let me paint a picture for you. You and I are on this earth for a purpose; To accomplish the will of our Father, whatever that will may be. Whether you’ve discovered it or not, we are all here on an assignment. And it can be tough to start. A lot of people have anxiety about starting their assignment. They have fears and even imposter syndrome. And it is scary, because they have to overcome the fear of starting, the fear that comes with failure. They have to overcome a lot to just start. But starting is one thing.
It requires another level of courage to sustain what you have started. There are anxieties and challenges that are present in the process of your assignment. So you will need consistency, motivation and perseverance. Yet, I find that the toughest and harshest oppositions you can ever imagine, await it toward the end. Most of the time people throw in the towel because the pressure gets worse.
Don’t Quit
The goal of the enemy is to make sure that you don’t finish well. Because if you finish well, you will have a legacy that will ignite faith in the next generation. But if you quit along the way, then all the work you have done so far might not outlive you. There is a joy that comes with finishing, but it takes confidence and courage to sustain to that point. And can I tell you that it is when you finish that you can access the joy that is set before you. It is people that finish that get to hear the master say “well done good and faithful servant, enter into your rest” (Matthew 25:21)
This I Pray
My prayer for you is that you will not start something and drop it halfway, no matter the opposition that comes your way, you will hang on till the end. I’m praying for you and for myself. Cyndy! you won’t quit on the journey. You will finish the work and the assignment that God has given you. You will not quit because of what people say. You will not quit when the road gets tough. You won’t quit because you didn’t get as popular as you thought. You won’t quit even when you’re not getting the material reward you thought you would get. You will hold on, you will stay, you will finish your race.
Beloved, let us not be quitters. Because, it is he that finishes that will obtain the prize. Let us run the race that has been set before us with perseverance. Let us cast aside every weight, every fear, depression, the temptations. Let us put aside and look unto Jesus, the author, sustainer and the finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:1-2)
You Will Finish
Can I tell you something? A generation is waiting for you to finish? So now is not the time to quit. I know the road gets tougher and the path gets narrower as you get towards the end. But you will finish, you will not end the race halfway. You will get to the end of your assignment. Today, I terminate the plan of the enemy that wants you to stop halfway. I put an end to it in the name of Jesus. I declare and decree the devil a liar. You will finish what you started.
Even if it is in the midnight hour, you will finish your assignment. A finishing anointing is coming upon you. The grace to complete is coming upon you. You will not leave anything undone and you will not die before you can say ‘it is finished’. Because Jesus didn’t die until He said ‘it is finished’. So, I plead the blood and grace of Jesus over you in the name of Jesus. You will finish in Jesus Name, Amen.