- DAY 64
- Fear File: YOU
- Scripture: Psalm 91:2
My God, in Him I will trust.”
PSALM 91:2b
Yesterday, we studied this verse but our focus was on building a personal relationship with God. So if you missed it, click here to read it.
The more I progressed in life, the more I realized that trust is a very tricky thing. It’s easy for us to trust something, or for us to put our confidence in something and not even know that our trust or confidence is in that thing. We see trust as a very big word that requires a lot of effort, but we don’t realize it’s just simply believing and expecting.
Trust Is Simple
You believe in the quality or characteristics of a thing and then you expect that the qualities will not change. Think of it, you buy a chair because it’s new, you believe it will be durable and you expect that it will continue to be durable in the coming weeks, months or years. Why do you trust your partner? You believe that there are certain things they can do in a certain situation and you expect them to behave like that. Why do you trust your teacher? You believe that your teacher is teaching you the right things and you expect that he will continue to do that. Why do you trust your bank? You believe that your money with them is safe and you expect it to continue to be safe.
But if trust is this simple and easy why does it seem difficult to trust God? Why is it so tough to believe his capacity and expect him to stay the same; especially seeing that we have irrefutable proof of His capacity? It’s because most of them have been broken, so we tend to easily trust what’s in front of us and sometimes that contradicts what God has said to us.
Trust Issues
Humans are naturally wired to trust, but experiences conditioned us otherwise. And 9 out of 10 times it started at home or at a young age. Some of us develop trust issues because our parents failed us when they decided to behave outside of our expectations. Or somebody we trusted abused our trust so we become control freaks, seeking proof and planning every detail of our lives to protect ourselves. Examine your life, could it be that what you considered as bossy, controlling, or temperamental, was just a manifestation of your brokenness? If we dissected why you are the way you are will there be trauma somewhere? And like every bleeding wound, it drips on things that didn’t cut it. So then God becomes the beneficiary of our trauma and He now has to work twice as hard to gain our confidence.
But God is not like man. He is faithful and can be trusted. And the psalmist knew this when he said ‘My God, in Him will I trust’. However, trusting someone and trusting in someone differs. To “trust in” means that you have gone beyond just believing and expecting; to depending or relying on what you believe and expect. What you put your trust in is key to your faith and courage.
Who are you trusting? What are you trusting? This is very important if you want to be able to overcome your fears and your anxiety because some of us get anxious when the thing we trust disappoints us; we become fearful.
Your trust determines your peace. If your trust is in the economy, the economy crashes on a regular basis and people lose their money, the people that were once rich become poor and those who were poor, if God gives them wisdom, can become rich. if you’re putting your trust in your partner or your friends. I guarantee you that they’re going to do something that might hurt you one day or they’re going to abandon you when it matters most and it is going to be challenging and difficult to build back that broken trust.
So whatever you put your trust in that you cannot guarantee its stability of it, is a disaster waiting to happen. The only thing that you can trust with guaranteed stability is the ROCK, the only thing you can trust is CHRIST.
Not Men, Not Horses, not Chariots,
The name of the Lord is the safest place that you can rest in. God is the only person that is worth your trust, that is worth your time. So, if you are going to trust anything, trust God. Because like I said earlier, situations are going to come to check what you’re trusting and if your trust is not in God you’re going to get into deep depression and diagnosable anxiety. So take your confidence and trust, take it away from man or man-made systems and institutions, take it and give it to God.
Jeremiah 17:5
“Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD”
Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Psalm 40:4
Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust, who does not turn to the proud, to those who go astray after a lie!
Psalm 20:7
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.
Let this be your prayer
Dear Lord, help me to trust in you and not in my own understanding. Help me also to know the right people to trust. I know things won’t always go as I expect. So help me to guard my heart against the anxiety and fear that may come. In Jesus name. Amen.
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