For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.
2 TIMOTHY 1:12
You see, life is going to test you. It will test your faith, hope, and even your convictions. You’re going to come upon situations that might make you begin to doubt and ask yourself, what is going on? Why can’t I catch a break? It’s going to feel like all hell broke loose and it broke loose on you.
It could be the terminal illness or loss of a loved one or a failing marriage and perhaps, disappointments on all fronts. For Paul who wrote this letter to Timothy, he was in prison for the sake of the gospel. Whatever it will be or whatever it is that you encounter, your ability to survive and have faith despite it will be dependent on how well you know God.
When you know who God is, you have courage and audacity in tough seasons. Knowing God fills you with hope for the future. If you don’t know who God is, you’re most likely going to feel like God has abandoned you, doesn’t love you, or failed you. Imprisoned Paul, amid his suffering, said, “I know whom I have believed.” I know His nature; and thoughts for me. Because I know Him, I am persuaded of my outcome and, I will not be afraid.
Beloved, pursue knowing God. Not only is it eternal life but so that when you go through difficult situations, you can rest in the assurance of His nature and be persuaded of what your outcome will be, no matter what you face.
Lord, I trust you. Things may not always go the way I want or expect. But I know that you are faithful and good. So I will not be afraid. I will trust in Your nature. For I know that the One in whom I have believed will keep me and bring me out victoriously. In Jesus’ name.