”I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.“

Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

 I believe that this is one of the most powerful scriptures that are impactful for our day-to-day life that God has given us. “We can do all things…” All means all. It is not some things. Yet we mostly quote this scripture for things we consider great or extremely difficult. Maybe a new business or to overcome stage freight. As much as it works for these, it also works for every single thing you want to do. Every single phase of your life.

In this new season, there are different things that you might want to embark on. New dreams, life changes, new habits, or old habits that you want to break. Whatever it is that you want to do, you can do it all as long as Christ is giving you strength. You can do it through Christ. That means that The things you’re choosing to do have to already be in obedience to Christ. Because Christ will not strengthen you to do things that are outside God’s will for your life. So, whatever your goals are, through Christ, you can get them done.


I can do it all things through Christ. There is nothing too difficult for me to do because because my strength and my capacity are from Christ. I can do everything that God has called me to do. I can pursue every dream that God has put in my spirit. I can take up any habit that is beneficial for my life. I can learn any new thing that is needed for my advancement. Christ is strengthening me so I can do it all. 


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