- DAY 65
- Fear File: YOU
- Scripture: Psalm 91:3
“Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence”
For the past few days, we’ve been studying this scripture and our focus yesterday was on Trusting God. So if you missed it, click here to read it.
A snare is anything that is designed to trap or catch you.
When I was younger, we had a farm where we used to plant cassava, corn, and some other food crops. We had an Aunt that would come with us to the farm and she was really versatile in farming. One of her skills was setting traps to catch bush rats, squirrels, grass cutters, and other little animals. We loved to eat the squirrels and grasscutters, they were very delicious and also destructive to your crop, so catching them saves your crop and your stomach. To catch these problematic yet delicious animals she used snares.
For the snare to fulfill its purpose it had to be disguised and hidden. Deception was the only way for it to be effective, so to catch those things we’ll set the snare very close to what they would like to eat and then cover it with grass so that as they’re going to the crop, they will get caught by the trap. We had to place the snare in a way that they weren’t going to notice so that before they’d know it they’re already trapped.
You see, animals are intelligent, if they see that there is a trap in front of them, they will avoid it. The same goes for human beings, if you know that this thing is going to destroy you, you are not going to go head first into it. Most of the time we get in trouble because we didn’t know that the thing we were doing was trouble. The things that become a struggle for us or the things that affect our lives negatively are things that did not initially look like they would be destructive.
Because It Glitters Doesn’t Make It Gold
That is why fear is dangerous; it doesn’t look like it can entrap you and stop you from your goals or like it can steal your faith or affect your ability to fulfill your purpose and your destiny in God. It doesn’t look like that but it ends up doing just that.
So as you are playing hanky panky with fear you have to understand that it is not your friend, It was set to ensnare you, to entrap you, to limit you and if you don’t know that, you will inadvertently allow the enemy to use it to stop you. You have to also understand that fear is not only the trap, it is also the goal of the enemy. Since the enemy cannot stop your destiny, what he does is to trap you and keep you in that trap, so you don’t live by faith.
Like A Bird
A fowler is a person who hunts birds. God has likened us to birds in Isaiah 40:31 . He wants us to mount up on EAGLE WINGS, to SOAR. So, basically, God wants us to get to the highest point in our life, and the fowler doesn’t want that to happen, so he is setting traps for you, to bring you from your highest point to lower places. Like the snare, the fowler can’t take your wings or your ability to fly, but it can trap your mind, removing your confidence, he can make you scared to get back up again by planting lies to make you think that you don’t deserve to be high. The fowler will use fear to turn you into an Eagle living on a farm like a chicken. But, our text says “Surely he shall deliver thee”
You might be wondering, is deliverance necessary? It’s ‘just’ worry, I just need to break the habit.
But first, you have to understand that there’s a spirit behind fear and you might not know this, but there are people who suffer from medically diagnosable, psychiatrically admittable, fear-related illnesses and mental conditions. Post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and suicidal thoughts are examples of fear-related illnesses.
There’s Deliverance
If you watch movies, or you read, or maybe you have a family member that is or was in the Army, you probably know what PTSD looks like. These warriors wake up at night with panic or something triggers them, and they begin to act like their life is in danger or that they are back in the war, meanwhile, they’re in the grocery store. That is fear, they’re responding out of fear although there’s nothing to fear there.
You may not relate to that, but what about PTSD that comes from loss or a terrible ordeal? Or the post-traumatic stress disorder that comes from a broken relationship, or broken trust? What is the response of that person? If you meet people who are going through PTSD because of a broken relationship or a partner that cheated, you see that their response is always that they’re afraid to be vulnerable with another person. Why? Because they don’t want to go through that situation again.
These are everyday issues and these are the issues that God wants to deliver us from. He wants to deliver that person that fear has led into depression and suicidal thoughts. God wants to deliver that person from fear-induced torment. There is deliverance from the fowler. There is freedom, there is peace. But I need you to understand that your deliverance comes when you know and understand the truth. ‘Faith’ is the Truth, ‘Courage’ is the truth, ‘God is with you’ is the truth, and ‘You have a future’ is the truth. You can live a glorious life, you can have a beautiful marriage, you can get a better opportunity, and you can get pregnant again; because God is going to set you free from every Fear.
Let this be your ultimate truth. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind”(2 Tim 1:7)
Jesus came to bring deliverance, He came to declare liberty for you. So if you are held back by the snare of the enemy, he will deliver you
Remember that, whatever is born of God overcomes the world, so since fear is not born of God, it cannot overcome you.
Let that be in your spirit as you pray
Lord, I know that there are lies around me, so I pray today that you will set me free. I know in my heart that I have been set free and my soul is free from the snares of the enemy. Declare over yourself that you are Free! In the Name of Jesus! Amen
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