- DAY 158
- SCRIPTURES: 1 Samuel 8:6-9
Samuel was displeased with their request and went to the LORD for guidance. “Do everything they say to you,” the LORD replied, “for they are rejecting me, not you. They don’t want me to be their king any longer. Ever since I brought them from Egypt they have continually abandoned me and followed other gods. And now they are giving you the same treatment. Do as they ask, but solemnly warn them about the way a king will reign over them.”
1 SAMUEL 8:1-9
The worst thing God can say to me is “Do what you want.” It is a fear I do not want to get over. I never want to get to a point where God allows me to have my way because I have proven consistently that I will go His way or do His will, it’s my way or the highway. Ah! God forbid! I want to believe that nobody would want that. Yet, our text proves me wrong.
As we discovered in our study yesterday the Israelites rejected God’s leadership and wanted a king, so that they could fit in with the other nations. This was yet another time they disregarded God in pursuit of their own way. From the time of their fathers till date, they have learned nothing and they have not changed either. Now, before you go judging them and labeling them, take a good look at yourself and remember that the stories we read in the bible are to teach us. Their time is gone, it’s your time now; will you repeat the same pattern or choose a different one?
Since Israel will not change their ways God decided to let them have what they want. Why? Because sometimes, we never learn until we encounter the consequence of our decision. That’s how the phrase, “experience is the best teacher,” came about. People naturally want to do what they shouldn’t and chances are they will do it whether you like it or not. Israel is the same way.
Beloved, we do not have the intelligence to run our lives according to God’s predestined plan without God’s help. There is no degree in the world that can equip you to know the thoughts God thinks toward you and the blueprint to achieve them. I have never heard of it. What I do know is that in the short time I have lived, I have not always made the best decisions for my life. Sometimes I knowingly stepped into things that I knew from the beginning were wired to destroy me. I was convinced I had it under control. News flash, I was so wrong. I am not ashamed to say that I do not trust my wisdom one bit, I cannot lean on my own understanding when I clearly know that the way that seemeth right to man leads to destruction. It is foolishness as far as I’m concerned. But the wisdom of God is unsearchable.
Go With God
People of faith know that when God says, “That’s not good for you,” it isn’t. He has been where you want to go. The end is right before His eyes, He knows it. You are the one at a disadvantage if you refuse to go His way. God won’t force you and He doesn’t like argument or strive. So if He can’t convince you, He will let you be. And you might be wondering, how you can tell if God has left you to do your thing. One way to know is by His silence on a matter He was very interactive about.
Take a moment to ask God for grace to do His will no matter what. Ask Him to help you where you are struggling and commit to do what He desires. In Jesus Name