• DAY 254

And the LORD restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.

There was this wonderful laptop that I once had that was so emotional, it would start deleting things the moment it started up, especially when you opened a document. In addition to deleting things, it was slow and would hang for a while. So, while it was deleting, you would be helpless to stop it. This one time, I typed a document that was about 3000 words and the system did what it always did to stop it. I decided to do a hard restart by pressing the power button down until it went off.

That was a bad idea because I lost all I had typed for days. That was the day I discovered the history feature in Google Docs. It allowed me to go back to older versions of the document that was saved while I was producing it, and with that, I could restore my document to the last saved version before the unfortunate deletion.

Restoration = Order

This frustrating experience in my life taught me something important about restoration. To restore is like returning you back to history. It is the act or process of returning something to its earlier good condition or position, or to its owner:  But I love the definition found in my bible dictionary, to set things in order. Both definitions are applicable but the latter speaks more of how God works restoration in our lives; He sets things in order.

When God works to restore us, he doesn’t take us back in time; you don’t go back to moments before your life went sideways. If in 2004, you were very wealthy, it would be laughable if you received that same amount of money in this 2023 inflation-ridden economy. Or if your last happy moment was when you were 8, before you were abused, orphaned, or fatherless. God won’t take you back to that age; that would mean regression, not restoration. No, what God does is He sets things in order. He goes into the archives of the history that was saved, the record of what He predestined for you. And all the things that your disobedience, the enemy, life experience, and delays cost you are all of a sudden added together, and you find yourself at the point you were meant to be all along.

Restored Future

You begin to live in a future that He saw. Maybe you were meant to be married with kids but you were hurt and made bad relationship decisions that left scars and you went away from His will. When He restores you, He pulls together all those years that you lost and sets you back on course. Suddenly, you have a spouse, children, and picket-fenced house. Or maybe you were meant to be a global speaker but lost your way, when He sets things in order, He uses your mistakes as a testimony and heals you so that you bring healing to others.

God always sets things in order. For Job, He gave him double. The KJV says that God turned the captivity of Job. That implies that Job was delivered from the attacks the enemy launched at him. His health was restored and all he lost was returned twice more.

This is a message for everyone who has lost something, who has ever felt like things got turned upside down in their life. In the name of Jesus, I declare a restoration. God is turning your captivity and setting thisng in order in Jesus name. Amen.


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