• DAY 217

Now a certain man was there who had an infirmity thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?” The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.” Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked.

You’re going to need men at every stage of your life. It is a man that will hire you, a man that will give you a job, a man that will rent you a house. And by man I mean, I don’t mean gender, I mean a human being. So to be in a situation where human beings are around you but none of them is inclined to help you can feel terrible. That’s how the lame man at the pool of Bethesda felt.

The Pool of Bethesda was the hub for the sick because an angel comes to stir the water often and anyone who goes in first will get healed. Naturally sick people will go there to get healed and leave and new people will come in to replace them. What he discovered was that those who got healed had someone to help them in,

But the difference between him and them was that he had been there 38 years and not once did somebody think, “Let me put this man in the pool and next time it will be my turn.” Not once did somebody that was healthy come to give alms say, “I’m going to help this man.” So when Jesus asked if he wanted to get well, he could only respond with “I have no man.”

No Man? There’s God

However, that was about to change because although he had no man before, and no one to help, now God had come to him in the form of a man to give him the help he needed. You see, when all the men that are around us decide not to bring help to us, God can bring help to us by Himself. Although man is important in God’s agenda when no man is available to surrender themselves, God can send us an angel, yet temporarily to help. God can move things to work for us with or without the help of man.

A couple of us are so dependent on men announcing our craft, our music, and people sharing and liking our content so that we can be seen and known. And I love those things (let me just appreciate all of you reading this that have been sharing the videos on Facebook and the 50,000 people that follow me. Thank you). But I believe that God is the one that recommends and sends help. Psalm 121 says our help comes from God, not man. We have to stop making men the source of help and believe that God can actually send angels to help us or that He can come by himself.

I’ll give you an example

Recently, I went to preach at a church, and not once did any human being recommend me. This man of God said by himself that the Holy Spirit spoke to him to invite me and he wanted to turn it down because he thought to himself, “I do not know this girl that I’m about to invite.” But he couldn’t refuse the Holy Spirit, so he did. Although he didn’t know me from anywhere, he trusted that the God that sent him will not send somebody that He did not know and endorse.

God can announce you to people without you having to announce yourself. God can send you help without you having to send yourself. And this has not only happened to me, but it has happened to people that I know. You have to stop looking to men and start shifting your focus to God because it is through him that men will help you.


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