• DAY 167

Now the LORD said to Samuel, “How long will you mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? Fill your horn with oil, and go; I am sending you to Jesse the Bethlehemite. For I have provided Myself a king among his sons.”

1 SAMUEL 16:1

Take a moment and let today’s title sink in; God moves on. He won’t wait around for anyone that has decided that they will live a life unpleasing to Him. He won’t take away His love but His appointment can be taken away. His endorsement can be taken away and so can His favour. He is just and He will respect our decision and choice; even the stupid ones. If He sees that all He is doing is not enough to convince you He will appoint another in your place. We saw that with Eli days ago, and we see that with Saul today.

I wonder how Saul moved from being the boy that went to meet Saul to find a sheep, to the young man that was hiding when he was called and then the king that regards people more than the ways of God. The truth is, anyone can make this same progression if not careful.

On To The Next

Samuel was so displeased that Saul was rejected by God. He mourned for Saul and most likely pleaded with God for him. Yet the person they are mourning for is enjoying his life and having the best time. He didn’t consider it a matter worth mourning over. I believe that the time between when God rejected Saul and when He anointed David was a grace period so that Saul could repent but apparently, he wanted no part in that. How sad. In our text today God has moved past that and is ready to anoint a new king.

You have to understand that Israel is greater than one individual. God’s purpose is far more precious than one person’s tantrums; there are lives at stake, Kingdom agenda will not wait for anybody. Countless pastors have been removed, churches shut down and ministries terminated because they forgot that pride destroys purpose. In the Kingdom, nobody is irreplaceable. A person of faith understands that kingdom business cannot be done in rebellion against the king.


Beloved, God will give the crown to a more worthy person if we throw it in the dirt by the way we treat Him. If we allow pride and arrogance in, if we allow money corrupt us, or if we let our hearts be misled, He will love us but replace us. May that not be our portion in Jesus’ name.

Now is a good time to present your heart to be examined by the Holy Spirit so that you may be purged of everything that will disqualify you from the purpose you have been called to.


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